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10 Best Cartoon Network Shows Reviewed in 2024

last updated Sep 01, 2019

Cartoon Network has been providing content for quality viewing since 1992. They’re responsible for some cartoons that we consider to be classics which have reached a broad range of demographics. Cartoon Network shows are often pithy and aimed at children, but they are accessible and humorous to adults as well. If you have a little one who is looking for their next Saturday morning cartoon (or, really, a cartoon for any time), consider introducing them to some of the network’s most popular franchises listed below. Here you’ll find ten of the best Cartoon Network productions around that have been enjoyed by families for over twenty years now. Settle in with your favorite snacks and get ready for some wonderful animated adventures. These have all been rated as the best-in-category by viewers just like you!

In a Hurry? The test winner after 33 hrs of research

 Adventure Time: Season 1
95.3/100 our score
Educational Value
Entertainment Value
Adventure Time: Season 1
Why is it better?

Fun and exuberant characters

The storyline is easy to follow

Great for all ages

Very humorous

Teaches a lot about friendship

In a Hurry? Editors choice:
 Adventure Time: Season 1
Test Winner: Adventure Time: Season 1
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By Jessica Mentzer:

Cartoon Network has some very unique cartoon series that have aired over the years. Whether you missed a few of the episodes or you are looking for something new to watch from this network this list has been created for you. It features the best shows and recently was updated with a series.

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The rating is based on the average rating (1-100) from all the criteria in which we rated this product.
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96 %
95 %
94 %
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96 %
Price Comparison Last Updated (10.02.25)
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The rating is based on the average rating (1-100) from all the criteria in which we rated this product.
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95 %
94 %
91 %
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93 %
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92 %
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89 %
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91 %
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88 %
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90 %
91 %
87 %
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85 %
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84 %
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80 %
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79 %
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10 Best Cartoon Network Shows Reviewed

1. Adventure Time: Season 1

The rating is based on the average rating (1-100) from all the criteria in which we rated this product.
adventure time cartoon network show
adventure time cartoon network show details
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Fun and exuberant characters

The storyline is easy to follow

Great for all ages

Very humorous

Teaches a lot about friendship

It might be too “out there” for some kids

Follow the adventures of two quirky characters, Finn and his dog Jake, as they meet equally weird friends, take on challenging environments, and learn about the value of true friendship. There is a true storyline that lies within this show, even though it seems like it’s just one bag of weird characters with the occasional problem thrown into the mix. Your child will follow the adventures (it’s not called Adventure Time for no reason!) of Finn and his dog Jake as they fall into some pretty sticky and unusual situations, such as “accidentally” crafting zombies that are made out of candy. In fact, this is the very first episode! Kids love this show because of its bright and vibrant graphics, the unique voice acting isn’t seen in many other shows, and environments that are interesting, strange, and magical, all at the same time.

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Educational value

Inspiring everyone to live life to the fullest may be hard, but this cartoon makes it easy to understand why. It shows the true meaning of the word adventure and why it is important to kick back and enjoy the show for what it is. As the character goes on his epic adventures throughout the universe the weird people that he encounters and the crazy stories that are told are not for everyone, but it is truly is creative, fun, and silly all at the same time.


It’s no surprise at all that Adventure Time was one of the first to make it to our list and we can’t think of anyone, child or adult, who wouldn’t love tuning into this popular (albeit weird) cartoon.


This show isn’t as random as it seems, and we really love that it has a storyline that’s super easy to follow and loved by people of all ages. The cartoon itself is a great example of learning to love who you are, no matter how unique you are!

Entertainment value

This is a great option for kids who aren’t completely sold on traditional cartoons. It’s also fun for adults to watch, because the show itself is so quirky and weird, but also feel-good and hilarious.

2. Over the Garden Wall: Season 1

The rating is based on the average rating (1-100) from all the criteria in which we rated this product.
over the garden wall cartoon network show
over the garden wall cartoon network show episodes
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Can be watched in full in less than two hours

Wholesome and fun for the entire family

Magical and entertaining

Great for the spooky season

Nostalgic and uplifting

Might be a bit too emotional for young children

This feel-good, emotion-packed miniseries is great for family viewing. It'll resonate with you as well as your kids and quickly become a cartoon that you won't soon forget. Wirt and Greg are two loveable characters that viewers will easily get attached to as they find their way going down winding roads and ending up embarking on various adventures. The imagination that went into creating a mini-series such as this is very evident by its realistic cartoon graphics and a thorough, but simple, storyline. Kids will find this show engaging and magical and, since it’s not as long as many series, won’t get bored with it or become overwhelming by having so many episodes to watch before they get to the end. One viewer described this show as, “stepping into a vintage Halloween card” and we think that’s such a beautiful, elegant, and fun way of describing this unique cartoon to a T.

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Educational value

Creativity does not always come naturally to everyone and through awesome characters like this one, it can be learned. It can be learned in a fun way that allows the creativity once sparked to become more organic. As the two characters from this mini-series make their way through the odd forest with their friend the bluebird they encounter countless memorable events.


We love that this comes across as a positive and heartfelt family show. It’s great for kids to watch on their own, of course, but this is the type of show that everyone will gain something from.


For something a bit more toned down and mellow, but not any less interesting, Over the Garden Wall is a cutely animated mini-series that brings to life the adventures of two brothers as they find their way through an unusual forest.

Entertainment value

Kids will be hooked from the start, especially when they meet Wirt and Greg’s guide, Beatrice -- Who’s a tiny talking bluebird! All isn’t what it seems when you step over the garden wall, so be sure that you’re in the mood for adventure.

3. Regular Show S1 & S2

The rating is based on the average rating (1-100) from all the criteria in which we rated this product.
regular show cartoon network show
regular show cartoon network show table of contents
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Collection includes series one and series two

Features over 40 different episodes

Includes silly bonus content and more

Stories of epic adventures of two characters

Complete sessions available on both DVD and blu-ray

Packaging is very plain and not captivating

Words of characters have been changed to make more family friendly

Find that comedy series that you love is hard and you would never think that it would be through a cartoon series, but here it is. It is a Regular show that will capture the interest of all ages and soon become one of the favorite shows in the house to watch. The series includes the tales of two best friends that make every day into the best adventures ever.

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Educational Value

The series features two characters, Rigby and Mordecai. They are both groundskeepers that the same park and they turn everyday activities into the biggest and best adventures ever. The bond between these two is amazing and shows the true interaction between friends. No matter that they are different on the outside, they both have a love for adventures that they bond over.


The series includes both session one and session two in this collection. The value is in the number of episodes that you will now own. There are 40 different episodes that are included in this collection. That means that you will have tons of time to watch each and every one.


The style of this carton collections series is done in a way that every one of all ages can enjoy. The humor is light and the adventures are epic. It makes watching a raccoon and bluebird interact silly and cute at the same time, but yet keeps it interesting enough that you will want to keep watching episode after episode.

Entertainment Value

It is The Regular show, but it is fun. As the series unfolds the characters, Rigby and Mordecai, turn every day into their own adventure. As the two want to escape their everyday activities they turn their fantasy adventures into something that you will want to watch what happens next.

4. Courage the Cowardly Dog: Season 1

The rating is based on the average rating (1-100) from all the criteria in which we rated this product.
courage the cowardly dog cartoon network show
courage the cowardly dog cartoon network show disc one and two
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Shares a positive message

Shows how strong the love of a family is

Courage is a loveable character


Somewhat spooky and fun to watch

Some viewers noted that “episode 0” (the pilot) was missing

This is a tale of a sweet, yet thoroughly nervous, little pup who would do anything to protect those he loves. It's an award-winning cartoon all about facing your fears, hope, and determination. Courage is, well, a cowardly dog -- He goes out of his way to make sure that others are happy, however, he’s quite the scaredy-cat… Err, dog. Throughout the first season, Courage faces many a spook that would be sure to scare the socks off of any animal who was stuck in that situation, but somehow, Courage finds his way out of all of them. As an Academy Award-winner, we definitely recommend this show to all kids who are ten and older (younger children might find this show a bit too creepy). Story aside, the cartoon graphics and voice acting in this show is completely on-point, making for an even more personal and enjoyable experience while watching.

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Educational value

We love that this show is so innocent. It teaches kids in the simplest of ways that it’s okay to be scared and, even more so, it’s okay to try and face your fears -- even when you don’t know if you’re strong enough to do so.


Any child will fall in love with Courage because not only is he adorable, but he faces his fears nearly 24/7 in order to save the ones that he loves. It’s a great motivator to teach kids that love is unconditional, and that family is everything in life.


This is the big kahuna of cartoons as far as the classics of Cartoon Network go, and it’s an easy choice for parents who aren’t quite sure what their children will like to watch.

Entertainment value

When you are a teeth-chattering dog that lives in the middle of nowhere what is not entertaining. This entire series takes this little coward dog and shows how he overcomes just about anything. From the noises that are unknown to the dark corners of the room the humor in what he is scared of is truly entertaining for all. It will keep you entertained as you watch him turn his fear into bravery.

5. Samurai Jack: Season 1

The rating is based on the average rating (1-100) from all the criteria in which we rated this product.
samurai jack cartoon network show
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Stunning cartoon graphics

Features a different cultural take

The main character is strong and honorable

The storyline is simple enough

Music throughout the cartoon is fitting and unique

It becomes a bit pricey if you decide to purchase all five seasons

This fun take on the story of a samurai-in-training has gotten a great reputation because of its unique graphics style and music. It's a fast-paced, action-packed cartoon filled with excellent morals. While it does hint at the traditional anime storyboard style, it’s the closest match would probably be similar to The Powerpuff Girls. Its slightly blocky, yet sharply detailed art fits in well with the theme of the show itself, and the graphics as a whole are rewarding and enjoyable. Battle scenes are often shown through sketch-like art which draws the attention more toward the character and not the actual violence (or lack thereof). The story follows none other than Jack as he not only learns how to be a samurai but slowly learns how to triumph with good over evil. As he comes up against each opponent, he becomes stronger, and another lesson is learned.

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Educational value

This show teaches a lot about honor, fighting for what’s right, and the notion of never giving up. While it might not appeal to some avid cartoon-watchers, it contains a storyline that’s easy to follow and fun to watch.


This cartoon is considered somewhat of an anime but still falls under traditional cartooning as well. It’s definitely a unique take on the world of cartoons and offers something that many don’t -- A cultural twist on a great storyline.


It’s nice to add some variety to cartoons every now and then, especially when they’ve come so far from shows featuring Bugs Bunny. Samurai Jack marks a new era in cartoons as we know it, and with it comes a stellar storyline, entertaining characters, and much-needed cultural accuracy.

Entertainment value

The show has something for everyone to keep them interested and engaged in the series, but yet the series will never lose focus on the characters and the art. It is done in a different way and some may find it a bit bizarre but it is truly entertaining. The character goes off to complete a battle his lifetime and is joined by others on the way. It is just a little bit of difference that everyone is looking for in a cartoon series.

6. Star Wars Clone Wars (Season 1-5)

The rating is based on the average rating (1-100) from all the criteria in which we rated this product.
star wars clone wars cartoon network show
star wars clone wars cartoon network show seasons 1-5
star wars clone wars cartoon network show season 1
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Roughly 30 hours of entertainment, total

Beloved characters make appearances

Great storylines

Awesome animation and sound design

Thorough and engaging character development

Missing the sixth season; must be purchased separately

Set between Episode 2 and Episode 3 of the Star Wars cinematic franchise, Clone Wars is an animated show that takes place in George Lucas’ stunning universe. The cartoon features recognizable characters, as well as some new ones, and follows droids, clones, Jedi, and more. It’s rated PG and targeted at a younger audience, but older viewers have said that they enjoyed it as well. The character development is strong, the story arcs are interesting, and the quality of animation and sound is top-notch. This particular pack includes seasons one through five on Blu-Ray, with the sixth season available exclusively through Amazon.

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Educational value

There is much to be learned from even our favorite Star Wars shows. Kids will be shown over and over how good triumphs over evil even when the odds are against the hero characters.


This series reflects on many of the typical Star Wars themes, such as the constant battle between good and evil, and a desire for balance in the world. It’s nuanced in its representation of that, while still being accessible to young audiences.


It has a nice mix of old and new characters, and it handles storylines that tie into the central plot of the movies, while still maintaining their own independence and integrity.

Entertainment value

Each disc is about two to two and a half hours’ worth of content. If your family has enjoyed any of the Star Wars movies, they’re bound to love this animated series as well.

7. Ben 10: Season 1

The rating is based on the average rating (1-100) from all the criteria in which we rated this product.
ben 10 cartoon network show
ben 10 cartoon network show episodes
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Easy for kids to understand

Very kid-friendly and appropriate

Relatable main character

Inspiring and motivational

Features superpowers

Viewers compared it to Teen Titans and thought it was mediocre

Ben 10 is an ordinary little boy with a unique item that allows him to save the world from impending doom. Why does he have this unique item? What exactly does it do? Is he a real superhero? You'll have to watch to find out. Season one is a great way to introduce kids to show Ben 10 really is and how he became such a master at preventing catastrophes from happening. We’ll give you a hint though -- It has to do with his oh-so-powerful Omnitrix! The best part about Ben is that he’s just an ordinary boy, living in a not-so-ordinary world. He panics and gets scared just like any other boy would which puts him on a much more relatable level than many cartoon characters. However, he also knows when and how to face his fears because he knows it’s up to him to stop bad guys in their tracks -- Even when they’re of the supernatural kind. This show has a Scooby-Doo feel with a bit of superhero thrown in for good measure.

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Educational value

Ben 10 is a show that kids can easily relate to as it will inspire them in a way that many cartoons can’t. An ordinary boy does the impossible which will motivate them to reach for their own dreams.


Being a highly relatable film for young viewers, Ben 10 is a valuable asset for your kids to enjoy on a regular basis. They will feel close to him because they will be able to see themselves in his simple actions.


The cartoon style of this show makes it fun and playful and even during scenes that might be a bit spooky, the art style makes them very kid-friendly. Without any real spooks, this show is a crowd-pleaser as well as a parent-pleaser.

Entertainment value

Ben is one of those kids who always seems to be the one swooping in to save the day. He’s the modern-day Kim Possible and kids will love him for that exact reason!

8. Teen Titans (Seasons 1-5: Complete Series)

The rating is based on the average rating (1-100) from all the criteria in which we rated this product.
teen titans cartoon network show
teen titans cartoon network show episodes
teen titans cartoon network show details
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Entertainment Value
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Good mix of humor

Appealing to a large age range

Fun, ensemble show

Still deals with adult themes delicately

Complete set of all five seasons

Some customers received an incomplete product

Based off of the comic book series but reimagined still in some pleasant ways, the original Teen Titans show spanned for five seasons. This is the complete series set. It focuses on Robin (the Boy Wonder we know and love from the Batman franchise), Starfire (a relentlessly optimistic alien princess), Raven (a reserved sorceress), Beast Boy (a goofy shapeshifter) and Cyborg (half-man, half-robot, wholly endearing and hilarious). Together, the Teen Titans fight to protect their city, while overcoming their own personal struggles and navigating tricky group dynamics. It’s truly an entertaining watch, with lovable characters and interesting plotlines.

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Educational value

The show is a great ensemble piece and often has an important moral to be learned throughout episode arcs. It mostly deals with familiar personal problems, while also trying to fight crime.


If you are searching for a complete series with lots of episodes and hips teens then look no further. This is the cartoon network collections series for you. The collection includes session 1 through session 5 which a 5 pack of DVDs with each session on its own DVD. It is a complete value for the price.


The show is sometimes light-hearted, often very funny, and yet still it manages to deal with mature themes and pretty elegant character development. Your kids will love this cartoon style.

Entertainment value

The humor strikes a nice balance between occasionally adult, but mostly universally comedic. Younger kids will love many of Beast Boy and Cyborg’s jokes, while older kids appreciate the nuance in the character development.

9. Johnny Bravo: Season 1

The rating is based on the average rating (1-100) from all the criteria in which we rated this product.
johnny bravo cartoon network show
johnny bravo cartoon network show season 1
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Funny interactions and situations

Innocent enough for kids of most ages

Features strong support characters


One of the original Cartoon Network classics

Might not be appropriate for kids under ten

Now here's a classic that many people will remember. Johnny Bravo is still just as funny as ever and makes for the perfect family comedy cartoon. While other shows have certainly mellowed out as far as their popularity ratings go, Johnny Bravo is one of those shows that will probably be around for several more decades. His character is confident, all about his hair, and at times has superhuman strength -- So why do kids love him so much? Because he’s hilarious! Granted, there are some scenes that very young kids might not understand, but overall, this is a great family-friendly show. The supporting characters are great and their interactions with Johnny are sure to produce a laugh, but what’s really fun is watching Johnny get himself out of awkward situations. He seems to always find a girl he fancies which often gets him into trouble, and how he handles it is always hilarious.

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Educational value

He might not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but he has enough hair gel to make up for it. This is quite possibly the only show that has taken something as mature as dating and make it kid-friendly.


Included in this package is the first session of Johnny Bravo, a cartoon character that has been inspired by the famous musician, Elvis. The DVD features 13 episodes that are broken down into two discs. The series starts with how the iconic star of animation was born.

Johnny Bravo is a very Elvis Presley-type of a character which makes him all the more fun to watch. This would be a great show for older kids as well as parents because it’ll bring back some of the nostalgia that Cartoon Network was once famous for.

Entertainment value

This show is still so relatable today and never fails to have kids laughing and parents reliving a cartoon they loved so much. Johnny Bravo is sweet, loveable, and sometimes just downright silly!

10. Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends

The rating is based on the average rating (1-100) from all the criteria in which we rated this product.
foster's home for imaginary friends cartoon network show
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Educational Value
Entertainment Value
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Colorful, fun animation

Loving ensemble cast

Silly and light-hearted

Mostly clean humor

286 minutes of entertainment

This DVD is only the first season of the show

In this silly and heartwarming series, Imaginary Friends live happily with their creators until the children outgrow a need for an imaginary friend and sever the connection as they mature. But then where do they go? One sweet little old woman, Madam Foster, decides that she wants to be young-at-heart forever, and so maintains her relationship with her imaginary friend throughout her life, and opens her home to other orphaned imaginary friends looking for a family. Mac, a young boy whose imaginary friend Bloo can’t live with his family anymore, stumbles upon the home, and Madam Foster allows Bloo to live there without being put up for adoption, so long as Mac visits him every day. Thus, begins this great ensemble piece, full of color and spirit.

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Educational value

The show deals a lot with growing up, some of the loss that comes with that, and the importance of holding onto our creativity, imagination, and compassion. It’s often very silly and fantastical and is just overall a feel-good show.


Have you ever just wanted to watch one episode of a cartoon series before buying the whole thing or actually just wanted to see an episode that you missed when it aired live. This series has been broken down to allow you to do that. The value is in the whole collection, but if you just wanted to watch one show why buy the whole series?


Addressing the common subject of imaginary friends, this lovely cartoon has a nice twist on the topic. It has the style of being entertaining, yet able to teach younger children about some of the important life lessons.

Entertainment value

This one is definitely good for a younger crowd. Older kids will probably also find it sweet, but it’s pretty light-hearted, so younger children won’t be scared or upset by dark or adult themes.

Criteria Used for Evaluation

Educational Value

Cartoons are essentially the great American pastime for kids. When it’s a rainy day, early morning, or late night, cartoons are something that kids can watch, relax, and unwind to -- Similarly to how we, as adults watch movies and our own television shows. Cartoon Network has been around for almost two decades now and with it, they’ve introduced shows that have revolutionized the cartoon industry as we know it. They’ve created shows that cater more towards various age groups, thus helping to create a child-friendly cartoon station rather than something generalized and boring.


Contrary to popular belief, there’s no saying that your child will inevitably turn into a “couch potato” if they watch some cartoons every now and then. While constant television-watching can encourage somewhat lazy habits, the occasional cartoon or TV time is mostly harmless for children. Watching feel-good cartoons can actually do wonders to improve and brighten your child’s disposition which is something that was never considered many years ago. For decades now, parents have valued cartoons not only for entertainment purposes for their kids but to also introduce them to important concepts and ideas for life-long learning.


At such a young age, it can be challenging to relate to movies that feature actors and actresses, because many times, your child has no connection to them. Cartoons have a way of being heartwarming, humorous, and personal. Kids grow an attachment easily to their favorite characters because they pick up on certain qualities and attributes that they can relate to themselves. It’s through this process that kids can learn different methods of handling situations, how to face their fears, and, most importantly, how to be confident in who they are. It is the simple style of the illustrators and writers of cartoons that attract kids to watch them and want to watch them over and over again.

Entertainment Value

Briefly, there was a period of time where cartoon-watching was frowned upon because it was seen as a “lazy” activity. However, now that kids have so many options as far as free-time activities go, watching cartoons can be an amazing way to help them unwind and watch something uplifting. Having positive attributes was one of the qualities we looked for in every single show that made this list, and this is exactly why. Try using cartoons for a family fun night with the family for an exceptional night of fun. Your little one will appreciate and enjoy the attention to their favorite cartoon characters.

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Parents, Did You Know?

It is best to watch any new shows that you purchase for your young child with them at least the first time they view them. Only in this way can you see if they really like the show and are interested in it to watch it multiple times in the future.

Parents, Did You Know?

When picking out shows for your children to watch, be sure to find something that they are really interested in. You do not want them to watch it just once and then be bored with it. Favorite characters are a good clue to what they will watch repeatedly.

Other Factors to Consider

Social Development

Nowadays, cartoons are very progressive, such as is seen with shows like Clarence and Adventure Time. These types of shows feature all kinds of diversity both in character as well as the environment. It’s details like this that can encourage acceptance and an open-mind amongst young children since they learn what they see and hear. Cartoons can help children to understand how to work through problems and how not to avoid being afraid of their fears. By watching their favorite cartoon characters, they’ll see things in simplified terms and learn new ways of dealing and being brave through another person’s story.

Emotional Development

As a child, family time can be the glue that holds together their daily life. Whether you spend an hour or an entire rainy day together watching cartoons, it’s a bonding experience and something that they’ll remember. Positive activities such as these release endorphins which will naturally uplift your child’s mood and improve their overall outlook on life. As they get older, it becomes harder and harder to spend quality time together doing simple things like this, and cartoons can be a huge part of making the best of this time while you have it. If you find a show that your child likes, don’t be afraid to laugh and enjoy it with them -- These are the developing ties that will eventually bring the two of you closer and strengthen your bond.

Frequently Asked Questions

q: What age is appropriate for these cartoons?


We recommend age eight and up just to be on the safe side, however several of them are appropriate for much younger ages as well. as we know, even adults love to watch cartoons, so many age groups will want to watch these along with the younger members of the family.

q: Is there any difference between the hard copy and the digital copy of these shows?


Occasionally, the digital copies will have some episodes out of order if you download the entire season. Other than that, it is just a matter of having the hard copies in your hand rather than as a digital program copy. Some people prefer hard copies over digital because they have a tangible object they can see, plus it may be easier for smaller kids to use.

q: Can you buy episodes individually?


Yes! If there’s an episode you think sounds boring, inappropriate, or just really want to watch, you do have the option to download them individually. However, it is a download only. No hard copies are offered in this particular type of format.

q: How long is each episode?


By nature, cartoons are fairly short, generally no longer than 25 minutes. All of these cartoons are around that length except for the Over the Garden Wall miniseries, which is more of a movie-length in-full.

q: How do I know if my child will actually enjoy these?


The best way to find out is to watch them! A great option is to download an episode of several cartoons and see which one your child enjoys the most. Then, you will know which ones are their favorites to purchase the rest of the collection.

q: Which are best for the entire family to watch together?


If your children are older (ten or older) Johnny Bravo is a fun and nostalgic option, however, Over the Garden Wall, Adventure Time, and Clarence are all examples of great family-friendly cartoon shows. For very young kids, you will want to watch at least the first time with them to make sure they understand the show and to ask any questions they have about it. Shows are best enjoyed with someone else no matter how silly or childish the content is. The bonding time will be very important to them.