Materials and features
This is a set of five bottles and two types of nipple design covering newly born and older, up to around six months of age. Within the package upon delivery, you can find two brushes for cleaning stowed away inside two of the bottles. The
bottles are made from baby safe materials which are BPA free plastic and durable safe silicone. The set has two four-ounce bottles, three eight ounce bottles, five nipples at level one which is the slower feed rate for babies up to three months old. There are two nipples for babies from three months up to six months of age and three steel based brushes for cleaning, and two travel-storage caps.
The bottles work in the same way as natural
breastfeeding and create a safer vacuum system for feeding. This is for the aim of preventing gas, spit-up, and colic, because the vent tech takes away air from the feeding process and promotes a more natural flow of milk, this means that babies can be fed at a natural flow.
Capacity will vary depending on which bottles and nipple feeders are being used. The bottles and nipples designed for newborns produce a different milk flow rate when compared to the bottles for three up to six months old.
Silicone-based products are very friendly to the human body and this is good for babies. These materials are highly durable and easy to keep clean via normal sterilization methods. The durability of these bottles and attachments is very good when using the product within its design context. The usage time for this product covers the months from one up to six months and the durability performance easily meets this
time criteria.
These bottles and their feeding systems are high-tech and target reducing the potential of uncomfortable
gas build up in a babies tummy. They reduce the potential for wind and the need for burping because the logic in the design is to reduce the potential for a baby ingesting air during feeding times. For safety, any feature which works towards reducing the possibility of colic has to be a positive plus for babies and a good way to avoid discomfort. Through designing a system which directs air away from being ingested and stabilizes the balance of vitamin content, this brand has come up with a win-win product which is beneficial for young feeding
The product has very innovative design features. The bottle system creates a vacuum free positive flow which works along the lines of natural breastfeeding. It vents air away from the flow of milk, and the flow is controlled at a rate which ensures babies can feed comfortably.
The designers wanted to make a baby feeder system which can be shown to reduce the uncomfortable possibility of colic and they did it perfectly. The slower flow nipple system ensures comfortably paced feeding for babies, which means switching between bottle and breastfeeding is easier
for the baby to accept.
Maintenance in terms of cleaning is straightforward and easy. The brushes provided for cleaning are designed to get to all areas and effectively clean and the actual bottles and attachments can be put through most standard sterilization systems. Cleaning is standard and easy to
Clinical trials suggest this baby feeding system can reduce colic through its unique and patented feeding system. Babies will feel comfortable during feeding because this product will simulate the natural feeding process and the natural volume or flow of milk. In the very early months, it is very important that babies do not take in air bubbles (gas) and that the flow of milk is free from air bubbles. For babies to feel comfortable during feeding and after feeding it is important that any product comes very close to the natural feeding process. The research and design of this product suggest that the designers have come up with a feeding system which eliminates air bubbles, correctly regulates the flow of milk and is able to direct any air bubbles away from being ingested by a baby. The result benefits are very clear, a happy relaxed contented baby free from uncomfortable colic, build up of gases and the discomfort of the burping process. Through regulating the flow of milk and directing away air bubbles, the nutritional content and benefits within the milk are maintained and beneficial. This product is a must-have for newborn babies and babies up to six months so you can achieve a positive level of
comfort during feeding and freedom from colic or discomfort after feeding.
Ease of Use
These fit with most known brand breast pumps and can be directly connected, making pumping and safe storage easy without having to use more bottles. The designers have put in extensive research to be able to patent a system which is very user-friendly for babies under six months of age. Through a choice of five bottles and their feeding attachments, the use of these bottles can be staged as a baby progresses towards six months. This bottle set has positive feedback via reviews from parents that suggest that this product can help prevent colic, the build-up of gas and general discomfort for feeding
The specialized vent set up in the feeding system works very well to prevent bubbles of air in milk which is a good move towards for preventing the potential of gas and bloating while holding together nutrients which often get broken down while exposed to bubbles of air.
The versatile standard shaped narrow bottles are easy enough to clean with the brushes which are provided with this set of bottles.
If you are going to travel with a baby, the bottles have secure cap fitting to preserve and keep milk fresh. For babies younger than three months, the specialized nipples system is ideal for feeding and the flow rate is specified for very young babies. As a baby gets older you can use this set while still avoiding the potential of colic problems.
Sensory stimulation
The design of the nipple systems mimic the natural nipples function and this stimulation encourages a baby to feed due to sensory stimulation. When a flow rate of milk feels natural a baby will feel confident and safe and they will eat with no problem. Babies are hypersensitive when it comes to feeding and they will react to sensory stimulation, and this product claims to be successful and creating a natural flow of milk while eliminating air
Age Range
The age range for this product is very specific, only for babies up to six months and during those six months, there is a need to change the bottle range and the type of nipple feeding system. Full instructions come with the product for clarity on which nipple units and bottles to use at which month during those first six months.
Price range
Offered at a price which won't drain the family finances, this set has a positive and baby beneficial role for children under six months of age. For parents who want to aim to avoid the potential problems and discomfort caused by a colic and gas build-up, this is a great product. It is a short term investment which contributes towards a baby's comfort and development. For the asking price it is a positive investment which can benefit
many babies.
Bottom Line
first six months in the life of a baby can be a testing time and often a time of anxiety for parents. Colic is a historical problem for babies and is known to cause a high level of discomfort. They key to colic prevention is to prevent excessive ingestion of air while feeding on milk. This product has a patented system which filters or directs air away from being mixed into the milk. This means that the baby stands a much higher chance of avoiding the build-up of tummy gas and colic. This product has also been designed to copy the natural flow rates of milk that a baby should feed on during the first six months. Through directing away air bubbles the nutritional benefits within milk are not disturbed and stay balanced and beneficial. Therefore this is further beneficial for babies because they intake a balanced rate of vitamins.
The bottles are silicone based products so they qualify as baby safe, very durable and
easy to maintain for being kept clean and sterile. The five designed bottles with their staged for use nipple attachments mean that the baby's first six months of feeding are controlled via a design which effectively mimics the natural process of feeding while also dispelling air bubbles.
These will attach to most pump systems so they can be used to collect and store natural milk from Mom. The bottles have secure tops to help retain freshness and when the milk is needed, the top can be unscrewed and the nipples device attached. For cleaning and maintenance, this set comes with two fine steel brushes which are very effective for keeping the bottles effectively clean because hygiene for young babies is a paramount requirement. For comfortable feeding sessions which mimic the natural feeding process and ensure a comfortable feeding session, this product has scored positive points from parents all over the world.