Grimm’s Rainbow Wooden Puzzle
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How it works
Today games and activities for kids tend to be heavily dominated by technology. In the smart age parents like toys that buzz and light up. What parents don’t realize is often how detrimental this can be to their children. Grimm’s wooden rainbow puzzle is the perfect option for parents looking for a traditional toy for their child. The wooden puzzle is beautifully crafted and won’t lead your child to be over stimulated. Grimm’s believe in providing safe and high-quality toys that do more for your child with less.
Grimm’s is a brand that produces only natural and sustainably sourced wooden toys. This means that all of their toys come with unique wood grain that gives each toy a unique and individual style with markings and colors. One of the most striking characteristics of Grimm’s wooden toys is the soft, velvet-like surface. This happens due to the use of a color glaze that actually seeps into the wood and leaves a clean matte finish as opposed to a glossier finish. Because of this process sometimes color transfers can happen so Grimm’s recommends wiping all of their toys down with a damp cloth to remove excess color. All of the color glazes that the company uses is water-based and non-toxic, they are harmless and tested thoroughly to ensure your child’s safety. Grimm’s sources all of their wood from a sustainably operated area. They use alder, beech, maple, and lime trees primarily. Grimm’s strives to employ handicapped and disabled people in the development of their toys. Grimm’s toys are designed to be used for therapeutic work and have been proven to be successful when tested in therapy environments. They also strive to use minimal packaging to reduce the amount of waste let into the environment. Overall Grimm’s is an honest and sustainable company striving to create good things for good people.
Smart toys, tablets, phones, TVs, and plastic activity centers are becoming overwhelmingly popular in the world of children's toys. Grimm’s rainbow wooden puzzle is a classic and beautiful toy that takes a different approach to provide your child with wholesome amusement.
Low cost
One of the best design features of wooden toys is the fact that they simply cost less to manufacture than other types of toys, there are no electronic parts no batteries, no extra things. Wooden toys allow you to keep a budget and still be environmentally conscious.
High durability
A simple fact of the Grimm’s rainbow wooden puzzle is that it is more durable and higher quality than similar toys made out of plastic. The wood will hold its beautiful color for longer and won’t warp, melt, or get damaged in the sun either.
Wholesome Play
Grimm’s wooden rainbow puzzle is simply a good and wholesome toy for your children to play with. The use of wooden toys stimulates creativity and imagination and promotes the concept of open-ended play. This is important for a child because it encourages them to use their brains while laying while other toys with lights, sounds, motors can actually overstimulate a child and cause a negative impact. Grimm’s rainbow wooden puzzle takes a simple approach to play. This design allows children to learn numbers, fine motor skills, color, problem-solving, and stimulate creativity and imagination as well.
Safe materials
Frankly, plastic toys are simply less healthy for your child to play with. The presence of PVC, BPA, and styrofoam are dangerous for a child's health. Wooden toys do not have the same risk that plastic toys do when it comes to ensuring the product is made from healthy or organic materials. Not only is the toy itself recyclable and biodegradable but the natural toy is beneficial to children to help them understand that toys, resources come from the earth and that it is important to protect and preserve as much of our resources as we can. Wood is biodegradable and an organic and natural product that comes from the earth. It does not require chemicals or complex manufacturing in order to become a material that is useable for children.
Low cost
One of the best design features of wooden toys is the fact that they simply cost less to manufacture than other types of toys, there are no electronic parts no batteries, no extra things. Wooden toys allow you to keep a budget and still be environmentally conscious.
High durability
A simple fact of the Grimm’s rainbow wooden puzzle is that it is more durable and higher quality than similar toys made out of plastic. The wood will hold its beautiful color for longer and won’t warp, melt, or get damaged in the sun either.
Wholesome Play
Grimm’s wooden rainbow puzzle is simply a good and wholesome toy for your children to play with. The use of wooden toys stimulates creativity and imagination and promotes the concept of open-ended play. This is important for a child because it encourages them to use their brains while laying while other toys with lights, sounds, motors can actually overstimulate a child and cause a negative impact. Grimm’s rainbow wooden puzzle takes a simple approach to play. This design allows children to learn numbers, fine motor skills, color, problem-solving, and stimulate creativity and imagination as well.
Safe materials
Frankly, plastic toys are simply less healthy for your child to play with. The presence of PVC, BPA, and styrofoam are dangerous for a child's health. Wooden toys do not have the same risk that plastic toys do when it comes to ensuring the product is made from healthy or organic materials. Not only is the toy itself recyclable and biodegradable but the natural toy is beneficial to children to help them understand that toys, resources come from the earth and that it is important to protect and preserve as much of our resources as we can. Wood is biodegradable and an organic and natural product that comes from the earth. It does not require chemicals or complex manufacturing in order to become a material that is useable for children.
Physical development
As a parent, you want to provide your child with educational toys and things that stimulate their development. Sometimes it is thought that the complicated activity centers and gyms provide more benefit because they have more features, more lights, more sounds, more everything. However, it has been proven that simplicity is the best way to encourage a child’s early development. This is because a huge issue with development in recent years is overstimulation for children. Toys that buzz and flash and beep may be exciting but they can quickly overstimulate a child and lead them to actually have a negative impact on your child's cognitive and physical development. Grimm’s rainbow wooden puzzle takes a simple approach to play. This design allows children to learn numbers, fine motor skills, color, problem-solving, and stimulate creativity and imagination as well.
Grimm’s rainbow wooden puzzle is designed from premium, high quality, and sustainably sourced wood. This high-quality design is what allows the puzzle to be so durable and long lasting. BPA and styrofoam are dangerous for a child's health. Wooden toys do not have the same risk that plastic toys do when it comes to ensuring the product is made from healthy or organic materials. Not only is the toy itself recyclable and biodegradable but the natural toy is beneficial to children to help them understand that toys, resources come from the earth and that it is important to protect and preserve as much of our resources as we can. Grimm’s sources all of their wood from a sustainably operated area. They use alder, beech, maple, and lime trees primarily. Grimm’s strives to employ handicapped and disabled people in the development of their toys. Overall the high-quality design of the wooden puzzle means that it is supremely durable will last you and your child an incredibly long amount of time for you to enjoy and play with for years to come.
Grimm’s rainbow wooden puzzle is a beautiful and simply designed puzzle that encourages your child to use their imagination and creativity to play a myriad of fun games in a made up world that is good for them physically, mentally, and emotionally. The puzzle encourages imaginative playtime and open-ended amusement. These are important in helping your child develop a healthy and active imagination and confidence in their creative skills and independent play skills. The wooden rainbow puzzle can be used for a variety of play styles. Your child can make a rainbow, out the pieces, practice their colors. Grimm’s rainbow wooden puzzle takes a simple approach to play. This design allows children to learn numbers, fine motor skills, color, problem-solving, and stimulate creativity and imagination as well.
Environmental Friendliness
Wood is biodegradable and an organic and natural product that comes from the earth. It does not require chemicals or complex manufacturing in order to become a material that is useable for children. Wooden toys are made from renewable and sustainably sourced wood. Grimm’s specifically uses a water-based and non-toxic finish on their toys provide a healthy color that is safe for a child to put in their mouth and also safe for the environment as well. Grimm’s is a brand that produces only natural and sustainably sourced wooden toys. Which means that all of their toys come with unique wood grain that gives each toy a unique and individual style with markings and colors.
One of the most striking characteristics of Grimm’s wooden toys is the soft, velvet-like surface. This happens due to the use of a color glaze that actually seeps into the wood and leaves a clean matte finish as opposed to a glossier finish. Because of this process sometimes color transfers can happen so Grimm’s recommends wiping all of their toys down with a damp cloth to remove excess color. Not only is the toy itself recyclable and biodegradable but the natural toy is beneficial to children to help them understand that toys, resources come from the earth and that it is important to protect and preserve as much of our resources as we can.
One of the most striking characteristics of Grimm’s wooden toys is the soft, velvet-like surface. This happens due to the use of a color glaze that actually seeps into the wood and leaves a clean matte finish as opposed to a glossier finish. Because of this process sometimes color transfers can happen so Grimm’s recommends wiping all of their toys down with a damp cloth to remove excess color. Not only is the toy itself recyclable and biodegradable but the natural toy is beneficial to children to help them understand that toys, resources come from the earth and that it is important to protect and preserve as much of our resources as we can.
Price range
One of the best design features of wooden toys is the fact that they simply cost less to manufacture than other types of toys, there are no electronic parts no batteries, no extra things. Wooden toys allow you to keep a budget and still be environmentally conscious. The price is so much more affordable for a toy that still provides so much benefit for a child. Plus the quality and durability fo the toy means that it will last your family for an extremely long amount of time. Overall the price of Grimm’s Rainbow wooden puzzle is really affordable compared to some of the other toy options that are on the market for kids. It is a smart investment not only financially but also for your child's future and their childhood as a whole.
In today's society technology takes over a child’s life often from a very young age. Which leads to slower development and a lack of imagination and creativity which can affect your child as they enter the adult word later in life. Smart toys, tablets, phones, TVs, and plastic activity centers are becoming overwhelmingly popular in the world of children's toys. Grimm’s rainbow wooden puzzle is a classic and beautiful toy that takes a different approach to provide your child with wholesome amusement. One of the best design features of wooden toys is the fact that they simply cost less to manufacture than other types of toys, are no electronic parts no batteries, no extra things. Wooden toys allow you to keep a budget and still be environmentally conscious. A simple fact of the puzzle is that it is more durable and higher quality than similar toys made out of plastic. The wood will hold its beautiful color for longer and won’t warp, melt, or get damaged in the sun either. Grimm’s wooden rainbow puzzle is a good and wholesome toy for your children to play with.
The use of wooden toys stimulates creativity and imagination and promotes the concept of open-ended play. This is important for a child because it encourages them to use their brains while laying while other toys with lights, sounds, motors can actually overstimulate a child and cause a negative impact. Grimm’s rainbow wooden puzzle takes a simple approach to play. This design allows children to learn numbers, fine motor skills, color, problem-solving, and stimulate creativity and imagination as well. Plastic toys are simply less healthy for your child to play with. The presence of PVC, BPA, and styrofoam are dangerous for a child's health. Wooden toys do not have the same risk that plastic toys do when it comes to ensuring the product is made from healthy or organic materials. Wooden toys are made from renewable and sustainably sourced wood. Grimm’s specifically uses a water-based and non-toxic finish on their toys provide a healthy color that is safe for a child to put in their mouth and also safe for the environment as well. Not only is the toy itself recyclable and biodegradable but the natural toy is beneficial to children to help them understand that toys, resources come from the earth and that it is important to protect and preserve as much of our resources as we can.
Grimm’s toys are designed to be used for therapeutic work and have been proven to be successful when tested in therapy environments. They also strive to use minimal packaging to reduce the amount of waste let into the environment. The bottom line about Grimm’s Rainbow wooden puzzle is that it is not just a smart financial investment, but it is a toy that we provide your child physical and sensory stimulating fun that will last a long time and encourage them to be creative and have active imaginations.
The use of wooden toys stimulates creativity and imagination and promotes the concept of open-ended play. This is important for a child because it encourages them to use their brains while laying while other toys with lights, sounds, motors can actually overstimulate a child and cause a negative impact. Grimm’s rainbow wooden puzzle takes a simple approach to play. This design allows children to learn numbers, fine motor skills, color, problem-solving, and stimulate creativity and imagination as well. Plastic toys are simply less healthy for your child to play with. The presence of PVC, BPA, and styrofoam are dangerous for a child's health. Wooden toys do not have the same risk that plastic toys do when it comes to ensuring the product is made from healthy or organic materials. Wooden toys are made from renewable and sustainably sourced wood. Grimm’s specifically uses a water-based and non-toxic finish on their toys provide a healthy color that is safe for a child to put in their mouth and also safe for the environment as well. Not only is the toy itself recyclable and biodegradable but the natural toy is beneficial to children to help them understand that toys, resources come from the earth and that it is important to protect and preserve as much of our resources as we can.
Grimm’s toys are designed to be used for therapeutic work and have been proven to be successful when tested in therapy environments. They also strive to use minimal packaging to reduce the amount of waste let into the environment. The bottom line about Grimm’s Rainbow wooden puzzle is that it is not just a smart financial investment, but it is a toy that we provide your child physical and sensory stimulating fun that will last a long time and encourage them to be creative and have active imaginations.