Everything You Need to Know About Pregnancy After 35

Here is all you need to know if you decide on a pregnancy after the age of 35.

Women are starting to have families later in life and are getting pregnant after age 35. Is that a bad thing? No, it’s not, because many women have had children well into their mid and late 40’s and some into their mid 50’s. Granted this age is an advanced maternal age but with the proper prenatal care, there is no reason a woman can’t have a healthy child after age 35.

Some women have had one child at age 20 and waited and had another child at age 35, and this is still considered a high-risk pregnancy. The reason being, after ten years, a woman’s body completely heals from childbirth so she is starting all over again having a baby at 35.

Women wonder how they can continue to have a healthy baby by getting pregnant at 35, but they can if they talk to their doctors ahead of time and get their opinion before they conceive. Some women that are at an advanced maternal age, can suffer from gestational diabetes, have a child with down’s syndrome or have high blood pressure problems.

Having a Healthy Baby After 35

If your doctor gives you the go-ahead to have a baby after the age of 35, then start thinking about a few things you can take to create a healthy and happy baby. Make sure you start getting the correct prenatal care early in the game and also make sure you go to your prenatal specialist regularly. The first eight weeks are very important with a fetus that is growing.

This is why it’s important to make sure you are getting regular checkups so you will have a healthy child. There is quite a bit to prenatal care which includes appointments and regular exams, taking classes and support from your family. Prenatal care is very important for women having a baby over the age of 35.

This kind of care helps your doctor stay ahead of any possible health issues you might have and other issues like gestational diabetes and preeclampsia that can happen to women at an advanced maternal age.

There are additional tests your doctor will give you to see if your child has any birth defects since you are having a baby over 35. Don’t be afraid to ask your doctor about taking these tests. This keeps you and your partner informed and remember to study the risks that could happen in case you decide on making different decisions.


Prenatal vitamins are always taken by pregnant mothers of all ages. These vitamins are important because they have the necessary nutrients in them to help stop any possible birth defects that could happen if you don’t have enough folic acid for example. Folic acid is very important for women having babies over the age of 35 because of the higher risks of birth defects.


Don’t blow off any doctor’s appointments if you are having a baby over the age of 35, especially if you have some health issues of your own. Make sure you continue with regular check-ups and keeping yourself healthy before you conceive will help you and your baby stay healthy when having a baby over 35. In addition, don’t forget to see your dentist for check-ups and teeth cleanings. Your gums can cause premature birth, so make sure you take care of those teeth and gums.


Change your diet if you are prone to fast food. Try and eat a diet of whole foods and that includes many greens, fruits, vegetables, dairy, calcium, beans, lean meat, and low-fat foods. Make sure you eat foods that are high in calcium, so your teeth stay healthy because being pregnant will drain the calcium quickly.

The main issue is to keep your bones strong including your teeth to have a healthy baby. It’s a good idea to try liver and citrus drinks and fruits occasionally, while you are pregnant and over age 35.


Don’t be afraid to discuss the right amount of weight that you should gain when you are pregnant. If you are a woman of average weight with a body mass index that is normal, the correct weight gain is between 25 to 35 pounds when you are having a baby at 35.  Women that are a bit heavier should keep their weight gain around 11 to 20 pounds if they are having a baby at 35.

It’s harder to lose the weight as you get older because a woman’s metabolism keeps changing as she ages. Weight also plays a role with genetics and if you come from a family of heavy women, chances are you will be heavy as well. It doesn’t seem like weight gain would play this many dangerous factors, but it does during a woman’s pregnancy.

If a woman stays at the correct weight, her baby has a better chance of growing faster and the percentage of delivering a premature baby drop considerably. Your own health is much better as well because of the chances for gestational diabetes drop along with high blood pressure.


Women who are pregnant at 35 should remember to keep fit and exercise on a regular basis. Exercise helps with delivery and also helps moms control their weight when they are pregnant. Exercise also builds a stronger body and helps decrease stress.

Talk to your doctor ahead of time when you find out you are expecting and make sure you get the ok to be able to start an exercise program for women expecting a baby at the age of 35. If you have been on an exercise routine prior to your pregnancy, your doctor will most likely tell you to keep up the good work for your future delivery. If you are having issues with blood pressure or other health issues, your doctor might just have you walk at your own pace so it’s comfortable for you.

Try Not to Smoke or Drink Alcohol

Years ago, smoking and drinking wasn’t a big ordeal in society back before the 1960s.  Many women smoked and drank socially and no one condemned them for it. This is your choice whether you want to smoke and drink.

Studies have proven that a baby’s birth weight is lower when a woman smokes, but then there are some women who smoked and had 10-pound babies. Drinking is something women have to control because of fetal alcohol syndrome which will harm a child for life. These children have more problems with autism and learning issues than children that are born to nondrinkers.

It’s a proven fact that newborns that are born to women over the age of 35, have more physical and mental problems from alcohol consumption. Women over the age of 35 that are pregnant do have more of a chance of delivering a baby with a low birth weight if they are smoking during their pregnancy.


If you are expecting a child at the age of 35 and are on medications, be sure these medications won’t harm your baby. Many medications don’t but it’s always good to check with your doctor to make sure that none of these medications have side effects and can cause damage to your baby’s physical and mental health. Check on prescriptions and herbal supplements because some can be dangerous as well as over the counter medication when you are expecting at a mature age.


Having a baby at any time in life is an exciting prospect, however, if you are at an advanced maternal age, it’s always wise to make an appointment with a specialist and make sure you are in good physical shape to carry a full-term baby. Many women start having babies later in life so there are some things that can go wrong. It’s best to discuss all these risks with your doctor so you understand what you are getting yourself into.

If your doctor suggests other ideas like adoption or foster care, it doesn’t hurt to check into these options. Most true mothers can love any child even if this is not their biological child. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and find out what your chances are. No matter what route you choose, it’s better to have an emotionally and physically sound child than one who is going to have problems for life.

Make sure if you do decide to have a child after 35 that you get an opinion, find some support groups, talk to friends and family and people that have had their children in later years and make your decision from there. Remember, having a baby is a commitment, there are appointments that you constantly have to go to, lab tests, diet, and exercise.

This is all in the process of having a healthy and happy baby that will excel in life for years to come. Don’t forget to make your friends and family a part of the process because they have quite a bit of expertise in the baby department and can be a great help after your child is born.