When is the Right Age to Begin Music Instruments Lessons

All parents are interested to see if they have children that are musically inclined so they probably think about starting them with music lessons. Most schools offer music programs and parents can rent or buy instruments from music stores or from school. The schools might have them available for use depending on what kind of school they attend. Most schools give out recorders first which is similar to a flute for children to gain some knowledge about creating sound. The band usually starts in 4th grade where your child has the opportunity to play piano, flutes, horns, guitars, drums and other musical instruments including violin and cello. If your child is interested, there is also some practice they are going to have to do at home in order to be proficient with their musical abilities.
Parents should know the correct age to start music lessons for every instrument because this is very critical for the child’s development in their musical abilities. In many instances, the child may be ready to start a musical instrument but might not have the physical opportunity to take a good look and explore the instrument. For instance, your child might not have enough lung strength for a wind instrument, their voices might be cracking as they enter pre-adolescence, their fingers don’t have the correct dexterity to reach the strings, etc.
The best age to start piano lessons is between the ages of 4 and 5 years of age. Guitar lessons should start between 7 and 9 years of age, drums are good to start at age 7 and up, voice lessons should begin after your child turns 12. Saxophone lessons should start between age 7 and 8, flute between ages 7 and 8, clarinet between ages 7 and 8, violin between ages 4 and 5, viola between ages 6 and 7, cello between ages 7 and 9, trumpet between ages 8 and 10, and bass guitar between the ages of age 9 and 10.
These are the ages that are highly recommended to start these instruments, however; there are always exceptions to the rule. A child that is very tall and agile for their age could be ready to begin guitar a few years earlier than the recommended age, while a child who is 12 and hasn’t begun puberty is not yet ready to begin voice lessons.
Music is a talent and this all boils down to the fact that every child is different and what works for some 3-year-olds, might not work with all 3-year-olds. You should ask yourself some questions as parents before you decide to find a music teacher for your child.
Does your child show an interest in music?
If your child doesn’t show an interest in an instrument, this doesn’t mean that your child doesn’t enjoy music. They may like the radio, music on their ipads or record players, clapping, dancing the beat of the music and different genres. If you find they are trying to keep up with the beat of the music, this is a sign that maybe you should try and redirect your child to try some music lessons. Teachers can show them how to clap, dance and sing songs while teaching them how percussion instruments work. Teachers can also teach them notes and how to read them and rhythmic patterns.
If your child is banging on your piano constantly, are they looking at your guitar too? Are they showing interest when you start strumming and try to hit a chord with you? This is a good telltale sign that they might be ready for some structured lessons.
Five years of age is a good time to begin lessons. This is the age that they can sit and focus with a music teacher in their home. If you find your 3 and 4-year-old are curious as well and have a decent attention span, try them on structured music lessons as well.
As far as adults are concerned, just give it a try and you would be surprised. Bass is one of the easiest instruments to play because there are four strings and the chords are easy to find. ACDC’s bass player and many other bass players just ran a steady E string and used ABD and G. A person can play a lot of songs by using those few notes on the right strings. Don’t be frightened as an adult, because the only rule for learning how to play is you want to do it. You can also have the teachers come right to your home.
Playing an instrument can help you bond with your child
If you have a few children in grade school that are interested in playing an instrument, you can always have your own family band. This can be really fun around the holidays because the kids can practice and play a few Christmas songs for their relatives. This is very rewarding for parents when they see their children playing and trying hard to rehearse together. This is a great way to bond as a family and mom and dad can always play the tambourine and someone can sing. This kind of experience will also build great confidence in your kid’s musical abilities. This is something they can carry on for life and throughout high school. They can even make a career out of music if they end up playing in a band or a symphony. Many children have received scholarships for college.
Start young
The key is to start young and recognize your child’s interest in music and follow the age guideline and see if they have enough of an attention span. Music teachers are easy to find. You can go online and look in music groups for teachers that are looking to supplement their income. Sometimes, the teachers at your child’s school teach music outside of their home and come to your home to teach. This is relatively inexpensive as well. In addition, maybe you have an excellent teenage pianist in your neighborhood or a high school boy plays a good sax and would jump at the chance to earn extra money teaching lessons to your child. There are all kinds of resources out there to find students that will come to your home and introduce your child to music.