The Benefits of Debating in the Classroom
All children that attend school want to be challenged, not just by homework but by current events, events going on in their communities, discussions on an occurrence that happened in their neighborhood that they have questions about, and they also like to be heard. Children of all ages can be involved in debates. This is a good way for them to present their views, work with a team, learn how to be competitive and also how to respect their peers. Children enjoy talking about many topics that interest them. They also enjoy the fact that other people are listening to them after they have worked hard on their presentations. Children can benefit from learning public speaking at a young age because this helps them build their confidence when it’s time for them to return from summer vacation and enter the next grade.
The importance of critical thinking
Debates are a good way to bring students together in the classroom. When children learn how to debate they learn new things that can help them excel in life. They learn critical thinking and how to present their opinions. When kids debate in the classroom, this also helps them to organize their thoughts and choose their words before they speak. This is a good way to encourage students to use their deep thinking skills. Many people, unfortunately, are not deep thinkers, they do what they have to do to get by in life. Either they never learned how to use critical thinking skills, or they didn’t understand what they were being taught. This is why it’s important for parents to help their children learn how to organize their thoughts and rationalize the meaning of the topics they have to present.
Children also have to learn that there are rules when they are debating. There shouldn’t be any arguing but assertiveness is always a good way to present. Children also have to remember to stay calm but stand their ground if they truly believe in the facts about the topic they are debating. A good teacher also has encouraged all children to participate in the teacher is planning a debate. This way the whole class will be included and kids that normally don’t associate with each other will develop a new respect for their peers.
How to help as a parent
Parents and teachers can help children debate by letting them know this an important way of contribution to classroom activities. There is no right or wrong answer in debates but this will also test their research skills as well. The point is they have to get their point across and see what the other side’s views are about the debate. The more kids contribute at the beginning of the class year, makes them feel at ease and confident in themselves to continue contributing more of their thoughts later on. This is why it’s important for teachers to find ways to include all the kids to participate even if they are more reserved.
There are good debates and debates that can go bad so here are a few thoughts on some good debate ideas. You want the students to feel comfortable, you don’t want them becoming hostile towards each other’s opinions, including an array of different points and opinions that are easy for the kids to discuss. In addition, you want to make sure students are comfortable taking risks when they choose their words correctly.
Here are some reasons why some debates may not be good and become negative. The teacher can’t get full participation from the class, the teacher didn’t expand the viewpoints enough so students understand what was needed and decided to mimic the thoughts of the teacher during the debates. Students lose focus and end up going off the topic because something else is distracting them and they miss the boat on the original topics for debate.
The real goal for students is to be able to build on their vocal and written skills for better communication. They should also have learned about critical thinking, research, organizing their debate, and how to present. Public speaking can also be hard for some students so by debating they should also learn how to master any fears about speaking they have and gain confidence and courage to want to participate in their class. A teacher’s goal is to help students build confidence, especially in at-risk students where the graduation percentages are low. Teachers want to encourage these students and prepare them for college so they can succeed and obtain gainful employment.
Two parent upper-middle-class income families have children that don’t have to struggle to get to school every day and get their homework done. Many of these parents don’t realize that their child’s peers may be wonderful students and children, however, since their families don’t have enough resources, they also don’t have the capability of understanding their child’s homework. This is why it’s great that school’s offer extra programs for enrichment to reduce the graduation gap for these students.
Students don’t have to debate over and over again during their school career, but even a few debates help students gain new skills and help them with their performance levels. This is a good way for their grades to go up and help them with poise and confidence. Every student should have at least one debate each semester during high school in order for their academic achievement skills to build on a higher level and help them get ready for college. This has been a proven fact that these debates in high school help students have confidence in themselves for college and a chance for themselves to succeed.
Benefits of debating
Debating is not about arguing, but about developing an effective argument that helps students win approval and gain support. The last thing any teacher wants is for a student to attack the opposing side of the debate. Debating will also teach students about humility because sometimes they won’t always be right about the subject but at least they tried. Debating is about the argument even if your opponent doesn’t agree with it. There is quite a bit of preparing that goes into a debate which includes, eye contact, posture, confidence and the correct choice of words. The arguments of a debate have to make sense and be understood by your opponent. Stay on point and don’t sway from the issue, remember who is on your side and be friendly. It’s also important to know when you lost and bow out gracefully.
Many great thinkers and politicians have debated for many centuries and have learned all these skills the same way students will. When the elections come up, the opponents usually have three good debates and the one who loses knows how to behave in public. This is important for students to remember to learn that if their debate is presented effectively, they have done their best.