We all know that parenting can get rough, sometimes you will find yourself questioning; am I doing this the right way, am I raising my kids the best I can, am I buying the right toys for them? In all of this wonder it’s nice to find some relief when it comes to parenting tips, advice, and experience. We all have met some mother we can talk to; but we may not have enough time to discuss the full dynamic of parenting.
Jill Smokler is a New York Times bestselling author of Confessions of a Scary Mommy and Motherhood Comes Naturally. She begun writing a personal blog of her own in 2008– then she decided to expand it bigger– anything from the ‘scary’ epidural in labor, viral trends of parenthood, or even how people decide on a name for their child. You will find information of it on Scary Mommy.
Look no further than a spectacular site like this one to reassure your worried mommy mind. Parenting doesn’t have to be perfect, and you may see that many other mothers are dealing with the same series of events you may be.