Helen Beatrix Potter, who is well known as Beatrix, was the creator of the character of Peter Bunny. Beatrix spent many hours making lovely sketches of animals and plants, indicating her fascination for the natural world that would follow her throughout her life. Her earliest artist models were her two pet rabbits. Her first rabbit was Benjamin Bouncer and second was Peter Piper and they accompanied Beatrix everywhere. There were many illustrations she made and at some point she really wanted to write stories and illustrate them. Her earliest story was the story for Peter Rabbit. It is the most popular story about a very mischievous rabbit and the troubles he encounters in the garden of Mr.McGregor. The idea came from a picture which was first sent to the son of her friend and former governess Annie Moore. This story was rejected by many publishers and Beatrix Potter made a decision to make a step forward and publish The Tale of Peter Rabbit on her own. One of the publishers who refused to publish the story, Frederick Warne & Co, reconsidered their previous decision and decided to publish it, only if Beatrix illustrates the pictures in color. It was published in October 1902 and it became a bestseller immediately. This woman who created this character also designed the Peter Rabbit doll immediately registered it in the patent office which will make this character the first licensed character in the world. She even invented a board game for two players. She published two other
books, one was Peter Rabbit’s Almanac and there were also painting books with this character. She took care that all merchandise should be in accordance to her illustrations and she was especially concerned to have them produced with highest quality. More than two million Beatrix Potter books are sold across the world every year. Their charming stories are with timeless quality. Her art, her books, her characters, especially that of Peter Rabbit are all part of her enormous legacy that is passed down from generation to generation.
Peter Rabbit’s plush version is produced by GUND. This is the oldest manufacturer of soft toys in America.This plush version of this well known character is the perfect companion for young children. As always, GUND products are known for their high-quality and huggable soft plush products. The unmatched quality of their plush toys is mostly because of the premium materials which characterize with softness that makes them adorable in the same time. Its surface is with washable construction. We would all agree that with children around, messes happen all the time, but this toy is so easy to clean, you can only use wet towel and dry the toy at the sun. The body is so soft to the touch just right to make it your child’s favorite toy. It is engineered with precise facial features and dimensions that it is very easy likeable and the human brain would simply love to cuddle. The eyes and the nose are embroidered and the on bottom of the left foot there is an embroidered emblem of the Peter Rabbit line. The jacket of the rabbit is tacked on at four places on the front of the collar. If you snip these areas, the jacket would probably be completely removable. You can take his arms out of the sleeves because they are loose. The inside of his ears is lined with fizzy and soft knit. Its colors are vivid and beautifully matched with the design. This toy is designed to be loved and played with for years to come. It is the perfect adventure companion — from the living room to the
kindergarten, bedtime and everywhere in between! Its detailed blue coat and messenger bags are well sewed and the radish logo makes it complete. It is charming and beautifully made!
The character of Peter Rabbit first appeared in 1902 in The Tale of Peter Rabbit. Peter is a very naughty rabbit. He won’t listen to Josephine’s orders and goes to Mr. McGregor's garden, eating his veggies before Mr. McGregor spots him and starts chasing him. Peter escapes this time, but he loses his
jacket and shoes, which Mr. McGregor takes later to make scarecrow. Peter returns home naked and ill. Another popular story is The Tale of Benjamin Bunny, Peter again sneaks to Mr. McGregor's garden but this time with his cousin Benjamin and they take Peter’s clothes back. But, Mr.McGregor’s cat catches them and they are rescued by Bouncer. Petter Rabbit appears only briefly in the The Tale of The Flopsy Bunnies, published in 1909. In The Tale of Mr.Tod, Peter and Benjamin are rescuing Benjamin’s children who are kidnapped. The kidnapper Brock hides in Mr. Tod’s home. Peter and Benjamin rescue the children as Mr.Tod reprimands Brock for sleeping in his bed. This character is also very popular due to the many adaptations. It has been part of many entertainment programs which are greatly accepted by children. Peter Rabbit is the main character in The Tales of Beatrix Potter which is a ballet film. He is also part of The tales of Peter Rabbit which is a musical adaptation of the story. Peter Rabbit character was also part of animated TV series on Nickelodeon and CBeebies in 2012. The stories for Peter Rabbit and Benjamin were again in the center of attention in 2012 when Quantum Theater presented the stories on stage. These adaptations were written by the famous Michael Whitmore and the play was an absolute hit.
Peter Rabbit is easy likable toy that and your child would get attached with it very soon after purchasing. So naturally, it would make sense to use this toy in every day motivation of your child. Most of the children refuse to eat every kind of food at some point, but you can just explain that bunny loves that piece of fruit and your child will consider the option to try it. The stories for Peter Rabbit, stealing gabbages and carrots from Mr McGregor’s garden can be also very useful. Your child will eat the salad with the bunny beside while you can tell him/her how much the rabbit eats carrots and how fast he can run because of eating vitamins. If your children doesn’t like to listen while you read a story just tell them that Peter Rabbit loves this story and you can place the toy besides them as if it is listening too. The same way you can motivate your child to wash his/her teeth, wash hands, have a
bath. When children have a toy that is always beside them they want to take care of it so give them the pleasure to be in the role of parents and take care of the bunny themselves, make sure the bunny is fed, it sleeps well and make sure it is clean. Some kids have difficulty in expressing themselves in words so you can just advise them that they can tell what is bothering them to Peter. There are other kinds of listening and learning techniques in which you can find this toy very useful. It will certainly become the toy they love to have beside themselves every minute.
Some children have fear of the darkness usually when they are 2-3 years old. At this age children fantasize a lot and they are not mature enough to distinguish fantasy from reality and the shadow in the corner of the room may seem to them like a monster. The first step to help your child to surpass this fear is to explain that you will always be close, no need to fear because you are in the other room. Stuffed animals are great help when dealing with your child’s fear of darkness. When you are picking up the guardian of your child, take into consideration that your child spends the night with this toy or will have it by his/her side in kindergarten, or when traveling. The Peter Rabbit Stuffed toy is perfect for this purpose because it is safe, with high quality and easy to be carried. It would be good if you find your child the best stuffed toy when the child is very young, 1 year old and they will have the opportunity to grow up together and this toy will always give them feeling of
comfort and security. Your child will have something to hug when you will not be around and it is especially useful when children start going to kindergarten. But it is not only needed for this purpose but also because playing with such toys will help them increase their compassion to others around, they will have to take care for the rabbit themselves and will learn how to be responsible.
This toy can benefit children in their development because they can reduce anxiety and stress. Children can be found taking care of their Peter Rabbit toy like their own child and this can be reflective on how good caregivers will they be when they are adults. Children usually develop unique attachment to this kind of toys to the level of transitional objects. Peter Rabbit Stuffed Toy by GUND is very soft and well-proportioned and designed to provide comfort. It can step up when mothers are unavailable. This toy can feel a void for children whose mothers are not around, while they are in kindergarten or other places. Bearing how popular and interesting are the stories with Peter Rabbit character it is no wonder that even 80% od all children know or have heard about it. Its softness is the key to children’s hearts. The most amazing thing is that its appearance makes children really care about this stuffed toy. They are so attached that they come to believe their Peter Rabbit toy is real and has feelings. They would love it so much that will not allow anything bad to happen to it. This is due to the fact that all children assign metaphysical essence to their transitional object. They believe that this toy has hidden essence, which is what distinguishes it from everything else. Peter Rabbit Stuffed Toy is the perfect Easter or Christmas
present and because of its sweet appearance and perfect design your children would love to have them by their side at all times.