8 Ways to Earn the “Best Aunt/Uncle Ever” Status

8 Ways to Earn the “Best Aunt/Uncle Ever” Status

When one of your siblings has a baby it’s an exciting time for you because you have now earned the status of being an aunt or an uncle to a niece or nephew. This is a joyous occasion in your life but the main point is to be the best aunt or uncle. People are busy enough with the ways the world has changed and family should be important to everyone. You may have the title of aunt or uncle but this is a family obligation that you have to work for in a sense. You want to create a bond with your new niece or nephew even if they live farther away than you planned on. There are still ways that you can be a great aunt or uncle. You can always plan a vacation and visit your niece or nephew and as the child gets older, you can have them come and stay at your house. It’s always nice to know that it’s still fun to have your niece or nephew around and not have the same responsibilities as the parents to a point. You still have to make sure you meet their needs but you know eventually they will go home and you don’t have to make the really important decisions in your niece or nephew’s life.

One of the main goals you might want to think about is having good ideas about how to be a good aunt or uncle. Aunts and uncles are the families that nieces and nephews might want to confide in about their fears, worries or even their successes. You want to be able to make sure that you are prepared to be a friend and possibly a good mentor to them so keep brainstorming on good ideas for your goals. There are many good books available that talk about the importance of creating a lasting bond with your extended family. Here are eight ideas for you to think about in regards to winning “The best Aunt/Uncle Ever” award.

Create good memories and have loads of fun

When your niece or nephew is able to recognize your face, it’s always great fun to see if they will smile and laugh at something you are doing. Most people whether you are an aunt or uncle love it when a baby smiles and giggles at something funny about them. In addition to their parents, you still want to strive to be the next important person in their life. If you don’t have as much time as you would like visiting your niece or nephew, make sure you are spending all of your time with them when you do see them. Take some pictures, read to them, hold them and tell them you love them. Remember you are lucky to be able to have the opportunity to have this child in your life so have fun planning events and make the most of it.

Set examples

Your niece or nephew really enjoys your company and looks up to you as one of the main adults in their lives. Make sure you always do your best with your little person in public because they are watching you as much as they watch their parents in public. Teach them how to be polite when you set your examples. Don’t let bad language slip out and be on time. It’s important to dress appropriately and look clean because appearances are important to be a good role model.

Be a good influence

You might be surprised but your little friend is picking up on some of your traits and you are important when it comes to being an influence in helping them shape their personalities. You can also teach them different things by taking them to art classes or swimming at the beach. There are many classes for preschoolers and kids in the summer that you can enroll them in to further their interests. Mom and dad might be working and not have time to take this child to these different events, so it’s important that you commit as a good aunt or uncle. Try to expose these kids to things other than gaming and technology. There are many things that you can do outside with your niece or nephew. Smartphones come soon enough in their lives. Don’t buy the child, make sure they love you for you and not what you buy them.

Be thoughtful

All of you that have nieces and nephews want to spoil these kids with love and that is great but you can also think about getting them something thoughtful. There are really cool science stores, different stores that carry really beautiful stones like geodes and crystals and colored rock formations. If the child likes art, there are really neat art stores you can browse around in and find great projects that you both can work on. You can always check with your sibling to see what their child is interested in because you want to get the child something very special. You don’t have to spend a lot of money on your niece or nephew. The child will love you no matter what you do because your love and time are more important than material things.

Think like a child

All kids would love to have an imaginary friend that does whatever they want but you might be the next best thing for that role. Mom and dad are probably too busy so this is where aunts and uncles come in. Many enjoy spending time with their nieces and nephews. You can sit down with them and color, play cars with the boys, play dollhouse with the girls, and make art crafts or work on science fun. Your reward is the love of your niece or nephew because you took the time to sit down with them and be a kid for a while. Plus you still are an adult and can take them for a car ride.

Always listen to what the parents want

Your brother or sister will have certain expectations that they expect out of you and you can still have fun with their child but remember the rules of the house. There are still going to be the same consequences for the child whether you are there or mom and dad are home.

Make sure that you don’t give them sugar or caffeine before bedtime and put them to bed on time. Make your plans around the rules your siblings have set up for their child.


Aunts and uncles are always welcome to spend time with their nieces and nephews and this gives the parents time for themselves. Try to be available whenever there is an emergency and parents can’t be on time after work to pick up their child. Make sure you are on an emergency call list for the school in case the school can’t get ahold of the parents in case something happens. You all are family and your niece or nephew are familiar with you and always happy to see you. Sometimes it’s a nice treat for kids to be around an aunt or uncle because they too need a break from parents. Make sure you always have emergency plans ready in case you have to babysit.

Keep Promises

Don’t make any promises that you can’t keep because your special kid might be disappointed. Kids always are excited about things or events they are looking forward to and if you change the plans because you are tired, kids might look like they are ok, but they are actually disappointed and don’t forget broken promises.  

Children are very emotional and don’t forget things easily when their feelings are hurt. They might also start to lose trust in you as an adult. If you make promises to buy them small things they like and suddenly you spent too much on clothes to afford the promise, you are hurting your niece or nephew. Always remember to keep your word because your siblings aren’t going to want an aunt or uncle that drinks or parties too much around their children. Don’t be irresponsible when it comes to your family.

These might be hard shoes to fill for some people but being a good aunt and uncle is hard work. It takes commitment and love. Responsibility and being a good role model is important. If you are single and your life is more important to you and you find out you are not ready for kids in your life, then keep your distance and visit occasionally. You don’t always have to compete for the best aunt or uncle of the year award in your family but you do have to respect the wishes and rules of your siblings and you can still have a great relationship with your family even if you are really busy.