How to Prepare Your Child for Their First Field Trip

Read on to find out how to prepare your child for their first field trip.

Children in preschool and in kindergarten go on field trips for the first time and if your child has separation anxiety or is used to a regular routine, parents are going to have to prepare them for their first trip. Most children are well adjusted and roll with the flow of things and they usually are the ones that are excited about their first field trip. The first field trip usually is to the fire department during fall because this is the time of year where the leaves are changing and sometimes the ground is dry so the firefighters and EMS workers teach the younger children about calling 911 and the importance of the call and when to call. Firefighters talk about not playing with matches or lighters and what to do if they find themselves in a fire. In addition, they get a tour of the station and see where the staff sleeps and see all the big trucks and get to hear the sirens. Kids usually enjoy this trip, but if the teacher chooses another place to go and it’s your child’s first field trip, parents are given proper notice, asked to be chaperones and have to sign permission slips in order for their child to go on a field trip.

Students love to go on any adventures no matter how old they are. If your child is going on their first field trip you might want to get the best advice that you can to prepare your child for this fun and exciting experience. Field trips are important for academic and emotional development, however; the sad thing is many schools aren’t going on many field trips during the school year. This isn’t the best news for American education. If your child’s school does include these trips, here are some good ways to make sure your child has a memorable experience.


Make sure you know what type of clothing your child is required to wear for the field trip. Dress them accordingly to the weather and have them choose their clothes and have them ready the night before the trip.

Calm routine

Parents should remember to have their child experience a calm routine before they retire for the night. This will help your child prepare mentally and enough rest is important. Proper sleep makes a huge difference in your child’s behavior while they are on their field trip.

Appropriate behavior

Have a chat with your child about what type of behavior is appropriate for field trips. There are many do’s and don’ts if they are going to a library or a museum and theater performances. Make sure you know the rules and so does your child before they go on this type of field trip.

School policy

Make sure you read the school’s policy for field trips and see if they are allowed to bring along any electronics on the trip. In addition, check to see what type of clothing is appropriate for the field trip if your child wears a uniform to school. Make sure that you understand the expectations of the students in regards to being prompt and not getting lost on the field trip to cause any delay in returning or liability for the school.


Check to see what the cost is or if your child needs spending money and lunch for the trip. They might have the opportunity to buy snacks or go to a gift shop for souvenirs, so make sure they have enough money to spend. Children can become embarrassed if you send them without enough money, so it’s always important to read everything regarding this little adventure so they are comfortable on their trip.

Quiz your child

When your child arrives home after their field trip, don’t be afraid to ask them questions about their adventure. When you are interested in their experiences, they will remember this for life and put this in their memory bank. Students may think about this first trip on and off for the rest of their life. This is why it’s so important to have a small conversation with them about their first experience on a field trip.


Have a conversation with your child about the school’s curriculum and how they feel about it. This helps them connect to their classroom and learn life lessons. This way they will have much more fun in class! Kids grow through experiences, and there are times where learning outside of the classroom is more effective than being inside all of the time. Preparing your child for these field trips helps make them more successful and fun. It’s good for kids to experience hands-on learning and can be very meaningful and exciting for them. The key is to make sure they are well prepared for the trip in advance. If you have had other kids who have already been on field trips, you might be able to help the other mon’s with some great advice for planning and preparing their child and themselves.

School is not easy for every student but parents and teachers can help make their experience a positive one. They should work together with these students because some students are not visibly impaired but they could be mentally or emotionally impaired and have huge meltdowns when it comes time for these field trips. This is when the parents need to communicate what is going on with their child and this way they can work together to make everything more enjoyable for the child and the rest of the class. It’s hard to take 60 students on a trip with all different personalities and expect the day to go on without a hitch. This is why it’s important that parents donate their time to their child’s class when they can and go on these trips so the experience is more memorable for everyone involved. Little children love it when their mother or father comes along as a chaperone on a school field trip because they can show off their parents and also feel extra special.