10 Best Books on ADHD Reviewed & Rated in 2024
People who have ADHD and their families always want to know everything that there is to know about this disorder. They want to understand it and be able to live the happiest, healthiest life that they possibly can. As with many things that we’re unable to explain, understanding is also a way of knowing how one can cope and learning from others helps us live better lives. These books on our list do just that for parents and anyone who may know someone who has this disorder. These books range from guides with parents who have children who have ADHD, to experts who have specifically studied this subject. Whatever book you choose they are packed with information regarding signs and symptoms, tips and suggestions and even possible treatments on how to handle something like this.
In a Hurry? The test winner after 29 hrs of research

Related case histories of children and adult patients
Exposes the many forms of this condition
Gives helpful tools for coping with ADHD
Written with knowledge of the disorder
Shows intersections with other issues

Driven to Distraction
Healing ADD Revised Edition
Smart but Scattered
Taking Charge of ADHD, Third Edition
Organizing Solutions for People with ADHD
Parenting Children with ADHD
Learning to Slow Down & Pay Attention
The ADHD Workbook for Kids
The Survival Guide for Kids with ADHD
Boy Without Instructions
10 Best Books on ADHD
1. Driven to Distraction

Related case histories of children and adult patients
Exposes the many forms of this condition
Gives helpful tools for coping with ADHD
Written with knowledge of the disorder
Shows intersections with other issues
Some felt the book was not relevant today
May not deal with how to cope as much as expected
Authored by Edward M. Hallowell and John J. Ratey, this ADD book exposes the many forms of this condition from daydreaming to hyperactivity. Offered in hardback, paperback, Kindle, and audio CD, it relates case histories of children and adult patients. It sorts myths from facts and gives helpful tools for coping with ADHD.
Read moreAccuracy
Having been written by authors who have ADD this book if full of accurate information and is highly credible. Amongst the 402 pages, the authors provide tips on dealing with a loved one who has ADD. Readers will also learn about the various types of the disorder.
The two authors for this wonderful book have ADD, plus they are successful doctors. They are fantastic professional people who know exactly what this condition is all about.
Educational Value
This great book is offered in all four formats, so you can choose how to read or listen to it best for your convenience. Versatility makes a book more accessible and valuable to the reader.
Price Range
With an average price for books on this subject in paperback, Driven to Distraction delivers in professionalism and practicality of the disorder. Written by two doctors with ADD makes it quite unique.
2. Healing ADD Revised Edition

The author is a neuropsychiatrist
Features the biggest study on brain imaging
Examines and identifies the seven varied forms
Includes recommendations for medications
Explains how to heal the symptoms of ADD
Some found the book hard to read
Mainly just for reference said a few people
Healing ADD was published in 2013 and is a revised updated edition of the original that is on the bestseller list of the New York Times. Available in the formats of audio CD, audiobook, Kindle, and paperback, it is written by Daniel G. Amen.
Read moreAccuracy
With the information being supplied by a neuropsychiatrist you can be confident that the information you’re receiving is nothing short of accurate. In fact, Amen was one of the primary people that worked in identifying several forms of this disorder. His work has been showcased in many well-known magazines and newspapers including the Washington Post, Parade, Newsweek, and Men’s Health. This great book contains 466 pages and features commentary on the biggest study on brain imaging done on ADD patients. It examines and identifies the seven varied forms of ADD and treatments for them, plus explains how to heal the symptoms of ADD. Included are recommendations for medications and nutraceuticals specific to neurofeedback, brain type, exercise, diet, educational and parenting plans, cognitive reprogramming, and lifestyle interventions. The provided plan of treatment in this book can help those afflicted with ADD lead a fully functional, peaceful, normal life.
The many forms of ADD are examined in this wonderful book to explore them in depth. Whichever one you are interested in will be featured here for many details and loads of information.
Educational Value
Written by a well-informed medical professional, this terrific book will tell you all you need to know about ADHD. You will be able to get something new from it every time you pick it up.
Price Range
Having an average paperback book price for this topic, Healing ADD gets its value from the professional medical author and the given treatment plan for those that suffer from this condition.
3. Smart but Scattered

Teaches many skills for improvement
Both authors are doctors
Has easy directions on finding strong and weak points
Comes with downloadable forms and worksheets
It is available in four useful formats
It may be too wordy for some readers
Kindle users will not be able to access some of the book’s extra supplements
Written by two doctors, Peg Dawson and Richard Guare, this amazing book on ADHD will boost your child’s potential in planning ahead, using time best, staying focused, and resisting impulses. Published in 2011 and consisting of 321 pages, Smart but Scattered is offered in the formats of Kindle, hardcover, paperback, and MP3 CD.
Read moreAccuracy
Both of the authors are doctors. In fact, Dawson is a psychologist in New Hampshire and deals with children who have attention and learning disorders. The information provided by these authors will help make your daily routines easier. You will learn how to identify your child’s strong and weak points as well as becoming more organized. The included forms and worksheets will be beneficial to both you and your loved one with ADHD.
To provide hands-on learning of how to best deal with ADHD, this terrific book comes with worksheets and forms that can be downloaded. Kids can get interactive with the suggestions given and improve their lives.
Educational Value
Books usually come in the regular formats as this one does, but Smart but Scattered also is offered in an MP3 CD form as well. This gives kids and parents an added interesting way to enjoy this book.
Price Range
Costing in-between the average and the highest-priced books on ADHD online, this item has the wonderful qualities of being written by two successful doctors in the ADHD field and providing the reader with tools to make life better.
4. Taking Charge of ADHD, Third Edition

Authored by a professor of pediatrics and psychiatry
Gives information and treatments that are science-based
Features an eight-step management behavior plan
Provides the reader with practical tips and guidance
Gives updated data on medications and current research
Might be hard to read for some parents
Not to-the-point or simple in its format
Available in the forms of hardcover, paperback, audio CD, audiobook, and Kindle, Taking Charge of ADHD is geared toward those that are six- to eighteen-years-old and have ADHD. Authored by researcher and professor of pediatrics and psychiatry Russell A. Barkley, it gives information and treatments that are science-based and was published in 2013.
Read moreAccuracy
The information among the 384 pages is provided to you by a worldwide lecturer in his field of study and who has also written a variety of best-selling books. The information he gives you is accurate and can be used as a guide when working with your child. It features an eight-step management plan for behavior that is proven to be effective. This unique guide enlightens the reader with practical tips, guidance, and encouragement about living with ADHD. It also gives updated data about what doesn’t and does cause ADHD, medications, and current resources and research. With this guide, you can restore peace in the home, increase your kid’s social skills and academic performance, and learn how to use incentives and rewards for your child effectively.
The author includes a step-by-step program to improve the behaviors of children with this disorder. An organization is key in getting on track with ADHD and eliminating some of the obstacles to a happy life.
Educational Value
Covering a wide range of ages of sufferers of ADHD, parents can surely find many helpful tips and words of guidance to make their lives much better in this book.
Price Range
Being one of the lowest-priced books we feature here, Taking Charge of ADHD is valuable because of the included step program suggested and the superb updated information.
5. Organizing Solutions for People with ADHD

Pinsky is a professional organizer
The author is a mother of an ADHD child
Gives bulleted lists and color photos
Is manageable and quick to read
Will help you rid the home of stress
Topics did not go as deep as some readers would have hoped
A few felt the tips were not practical for a family with children
Containing 209 pages and available in paperback and Kindle forms, this fantastic book gives wonderful organizational tips and suggestions for ADHD individuals and their families. Authored by Susan C. Pinsky, Organizing Solutions for People with ADHD allows you to take control of your life again.
Read moreAccuracy
It caters directly to the needs of ADHD sufferers and gives organizing suggestions for the calendar, electronics, office, home, and life. Pinsky is a professional organizer, a member of the National Association of Professional Organizers (NAPO), and a mother of an ADHD child. Her amazing book provides easy and simple methods and techniques for maintaining and achieving optimal efficiency. It gives bulleted lists and color photos to make it easy to read and use as a reference guide. This terrific book is manageable and quick to read even with a most distracted attention span. It will help you rid the home of stress and lead a more organized happier life and was published in 2012.
The book is simple to read, understand and follow because of the wonderful format. Pinksy uses color photos and bulleted points to bring out the important things to remember in this useful guide.
Educational Value
Because this book was authored by a mother with an ADHD child, the guidance and suggestions are real and were successfully used by her in the home for her child.
Price Range
This fantastic book on organizing for ADHD individuals is priced above average but is not one of the highest in price. It features an easy to read format and plenty of suggestions for organizing.
6. Parenting Children with ADHD

The author is a clinical psychologist
The writer has much experience in the field
Is in the format of a nice conversation
Is easy to read and understand
Provides ten simple lessons to improve life
Some parents did not find this book helpful
A few said it was more for parents who did not know if their child had ADHD yet
Parenting Children with ADHD is written by Vincent J. Monastra and offered in Kindle and paperback forms. The author is a clinical psychologist who has over the years treated in excess of 15,000 patients with ADHD.
Read moreAccuracy
While this book was published in 2014, the information in it still proves to be highly beneficial and accurate. Not to mention, the author is highly qualified in this field of study. As you read through you will learn various coping strategies, psychological treatments, educational laws, and diet. The book is easy to read as it is written in a conversational tone. You will be given ten simple lessons on how to improve life when it is affected by ADHD.
Whether you know or don’t know if your child has ADHD, this is an informative book. It tells of treatments, coping strategies, and causes to educate parents and family members of the disorder.
Educational Value
The author of this book can certainly be called an expert in the field of ADHD. He is a doctor who has treated thousands of individuals with it and is the director of an ADHD clinic.
Price Range
This is the highest-priced book on ADHD on our great list. It is unique because of the vast experience and knowledge of the author and his ten successful steps to improve the lives of ADHD individuals.
7. Learning to Slow Down & Pay Attention

Has great illustrations
Offered in paperback and hardcover
Features what is most bothersome for children
Looks at the world from a kid’s viewpoint
Good for kids aged four- to eight-years-old
Some said there was not much to this book
A few claimed their ADHD kids were bored looking at it
Written by Kathleen G. Nadeau and Ellen B. Dixon, this wonderful children’s book entitled Learning to Slow Down & Pay Attention is offered in two great formats of paperback and hardcover. It is illustrated by Charles Beyl and is the third edition of this remarkable book.
Read moreAccuracy
Both authors use their PH.D. to provide your child with a book that will help them gain knowledge of their own condition. Children ages four through eight will easily be able to navigate through the 95 pages of this interactive book. Not only will they be having fun but they will also be learning.
The illustrations of the cartoon characters in this book are perfect to keep ADHD kids interested in the content. There are also quizzes and a fun maze to do for activities.
Educational Value
This is a great book about ADHD aimed at young children that have the condition. It will help them with what bothers them the most about this disorder and give them ideas on how to help themselves.
Price Range
Right at the average cost of these books, this one perfectly takes the direction of addressing the child and how he or she feels about ADHD. It is interactive and informative.
8. The ADHD Workbook for Kids

The writer is a child psychologist
Includes 44 fun and simple games and activities
Helps get the impulsive behaviors under control
Works with simple ten-minute-a-day exercises
Perfect for kids six- to twelve-years-old
Some parents said it focuses on what others want from ADHD kids
A few were not impressed with the activities
The ADHD Workbook for Kids is written by Lawrence E. Shapiro PhD, who is a child psychologist. Offered in paperback form, it includes 44 fun and simple games and activities that will educate kids on how to control their emotions, communicate well with friends and family, and improve their focus and attention.
Read moreAccuracy
This terrific book for children helps get the impulsive behaviors under control with simple ten-minute-a-day exercises. It will make your child learn responsibility, gain self-esteem, become a good friend, and be able to plan ahead. Containing 184 pages of fun and excitement, it is perfect for kids six- to twelve-years-old.
Written by a child psychologist, this is one of the best workbooks on the market for helping the ADHD child. It is written from the standpoint of getting them active about their own lives.
Educational Value
This workbook is interactive and informative for the ADHD child to learn about their condition and have some fun at the same time. The short exercises are beneficial and enjoyable.
Price Range
Lower than the average price this ADHD workbook provides hands-on experience with fun activities for the ADHD child and focuses on them instead of parents and family members.
9. The Survival Guide for Kids with ADHD

Explains ADHD and what it means to have it
Is kid-friendly and easy to read
Lets children know that they are not alone
Explains how to use organizational tools
Loaded with great advice for grades three to five
Did not help some kids with ADHD
Was not easy for a few kids to read
The Survival Guide for Kids with ADHD written by John F. Taylor Ph.D., explains ADHD and what it means to have it. In its 132 pages offered in Kindle and paperback forms, this terrific guide lets children know they are not the only sufferers of ADHD and is loaded with great advice for grades three to five.
Read moreAccuracy
While this book is written with a kid-friendly tone, it is full of highly accurate information. Along with brightly colored illustrations, real-life scenarios, and quizzes are tips for your child on how to deal with home life, peers, and relationships. Your child will also learn how to be more successful at school by learning a variety of organizational tools. They will gain insight on medications, doctors, and counselors. They will even learn how to modify certain behaviors, have fun, and enjoy school as well as life.
Plenty of tips and suggestions are given in this great guide for parents and children that live with ADHD. These can make life so much easier especially during school time.
Educational Value
Made just for ADHD kids to read and understand their condition, this fabulous book is eye-catching and colorful. Not only is it informative, but it will also be a great focal point for kids to direct their attention.
Price Range
This is the lowest-priced book in our list on this subject and gets its fabulous value from its easy to read and understand format perfect for kids. The many tips on living with ADHD are priceless.
10. Boy Without Instructions

Lays bare the difficult ADHD parental moments
Authored by a mother of an ADHD child
Real emotions and thoughts are shared
Lets you know that a life of joy is possible with ADHD
Is the true account of the author’s experiences
Some thought the writing was frantic
Others found it hard to follow
Penny Williams is the author of Boy Without Instructions in its three available formats of paperback, Kindle, and audiobook. It lays bare the difficult parental moments of those with ADHD children, such as the many ups and downs you travel.
Read moreAccuracy
While this book is not written by a psychologist or by an author with a PH.D., it is written by a mom who raised a son with ADHD. This is a great book for parents who may feel alone dealing with the obstacles and battles of raising a child with ADHD. As you read through, you will see the author transform from being confused and troubled to be confident and optimistic. If you’ve doubted that joy will ever exist in your home, this book will help provide you with a newfound hope. Through her trials and tribulations, the author shows that a life of joy is possible for your child and everyone else in your home.
Having this condition can be very depressing for the family members of the person afflicted. This amazing book provides an upbeat attitude to let you see that everything about ADHD is not all dark and problematic.
Educational Value
The best person to explain what life with ADHD is like is a mother who had to live through it with her son. Williams relates all of the good and bad moments she experienced as they were played out.
Price Range
This is one of the two highest-priced books on this list and is well worth it because of the true-to-life account told by the author. She gives the reader much hope of a joyous life with ADHD.
Criteria Used for Evaluation

Some helpful hints and some suggestions are practical and come from today’s expert authorities on the subject of ADHD today. Many of these writers on our list are practicing doctors in the behavioral science field who have had many hands-on experiences with this disorder. There are also several writers on our list who are parents with ADHD children who will be able to explain how you can help whoever you know with ADHD thrive and enjoy their life to the fullest that they possibly can. Every single one of these books is packed full of informative tips and hints to help your child or yourself be happier and healthier.

The top ten books on our list above are nothing but the best rated and most reviewed books about this disorder known as ADHD. Every single one of these novels has pleasantly pleased a majority of those who have purchased them and are the best of the best that writers have to offer in the market today. We only wanted the best products to be featured on our list which will also help enhance your shopping experience and save you the extra added energy you’d have to do while researching this topic. All you have to do now is make the best decision that suits what you’re particularly looking for regarding your questions with ADHD and we’re sure one of the books on our list will help you answer them and provide you and your family with the best information on this particular subject.

Educational Value
With several of these books written especially by parents and children who have ADHD, these books are extremely easy to read, understand, and help throughout your life. They are written with terminology that the average everyday person can understand and gain some insight into this specific condition. The activity books for children are written with their limited attention span in mind as well, they’re simple enough so they can read and do these short activities in their own time frame.

Price Range
The top ten books on our list above are nothing but the best rated and most reviewed books about this disorder known as ADHD. Every single one of these novels has pleasantly pleased a majority of those who have purchased them and are the best of the best that writers have to offer in the market today. We only wanted the best and most affordable products, so we can keep parents informed about ADHD.

The books may provide assurance to those suffering from the disorder that there are helpful solutions to tackle the obstacles provided by ADHD. The books offer valuable advice on how to rebuild and reconnect with a partner in order to live a satisfactory relationship.
Growing up with ADHD can impact feelings about one's own self-worth and confidence. In the past, little was known about the disorder and ways to treat it. The books give strategies to overcome executive dysfunction in themselves, which is a life-changing experience.
Other Factors to Consider

Emotional Development
Firsts things first, when researching or learning about a condition like ADHD you have to be familiar with it. You have to learn what it is so that you can get a general understanding of this disorder. This condition is a brain-based, mostly- a genetic disorder that relates to a certain set of related behavior and brain functions. These are called executive functioning abilities. They consist of important functions such as social talents, organization, impulsivity, effort and motivation, memory, hyperactivity, concentration, attention, and simply learning from one’s own mistakes.

Age Range
Everyone has a different preference for how they like to learn. With reading, we know that there are various options and we wanted to make sure that we included those options on our top ten list. Whether you prefer hardcover, paperback, audio CD, e-books for Kindle or an audiobook, these books on our list have several different formats that you can decide on that will fit your particular preference. While of course, it’s ideal to heave the activity and workbooks in paperback form, the other books suggested can be enjoyed in any of the possible ways that you would ordinarily enjoy reading along with. We’re sure you will find an option best suited for you so that you can learn more about ADHD with your own learning style in mind.
Frequently Asked Questions
q: Are these books for parents or for children or for both?
Three of them are more for children to read and enjoy. They are learning to Slow Down & Pay Attention, The ADHD Workbook for Kids, and The Survival Guide for Kids with ADHD. The others are for parents or for parents to read with their kids.
q: Should the child be able to read through the books that are for kids or should parents read them with them?
This is highly dependent on the age and capabilities of the child. The ones for children should be used for the enjoyment and education of the child, and with the help of the parent can enjoy them the best.
q: Do any of these books have interactive activities or games to entertain the ADHD child?
The books with activities for kids are The Survival Guide for Kids with ADHD and The ADHD Workbook for Kids. These have many activities, games, and puzzles for the ADHD child to enjoy.
q: How many people in the U.S. have ADHD? Is it common?
According to studies conducted, as many as 5% of all adults in this country have ADHD, which is about 11 million people. Most cases are continued throughout the whole life of the individual, and it happens to both men and women.
q: What are the symptoms or early signs of ADHD?
Kids that have ADHD usually exhibit more intense problems with waiting their turn for things, sitting still, following and listening to given directions, and paying attention. Even though these are common issues with regular kids, ADHD children have these problems longer and in more intense forms. They usually show signs of one or a few of the behaviors of being impulsive, hyperactive, or inattentive in the early years of life.
q: Is there a cure known for this disorder?
No, there is no known cure for this condition because it is neuro-behavioral in form. Most people do not outgrow it, but they can learn to control some of the signs with help and treatment. It is believed that at least 2/3 of kids that are diagnosed with ADHD have it into adulthood and must still handle the challenges and signs of it with therapy and treatments.