The Babyzen YOYO Stroller has been specifically
designed to make a parent’s life as easy as possible. The stroller folds up and folds out with just one hand making it a breeze to use the stroller if your hands are full while
holding your baby. The stroller folds along a metal bar that is located underneath the seat of the stroller and when you pull on that bar the stroller collapses around the bar. Attached to the bar is a strap that you can pull out and use as a shoulder strap so that you can carry the stroller around. It folds up small enough to be stored in an airplane bin.
The Babyzen YOYO Stroller has been redesigned from an earlier model and it has been improved upon in order to make your child more comfortable. The storage unit underneath the stroller has been made 60% bigger in order to fit more lightweight items such as jackets or small toys. The seat of the stroller reclines in order for your child to be able to nap and get more comfortable while they are in the stroller. There has been a zip pocket added to the back of the canopy where parents can hold any important items they will need to have in their reach at all times like keys, documents, food, and toys. The canopy has an extender so that most angles of the sun can be blocked in order to
protect your baby from UV rays and weather. The footrest is also extendable so that it can be modified to the needs of your baby’s body. The four wheels of the stroller are shock absorbing so your baby will feel the
smoothest ride while they are being pushed in the stroller, and the stroller has a tight metal frame and smooth steering mechanism that you can easily steer the stroller with one hand if you are on the phone or holding
food or beverage in your other hand.
The Babyzen YOYO Stroller comes with a five-point safety
harness. Like with most strollers or jumpers, the harness is there to protect your baby or toddler from sliding out of the stroller and to the ground below. The harness system is a typical harness system where the straps go over your child’s arms and clip together near their abdomen. Another
buckle is located between their legs where you can then clip the straps creating an all-around safe strapped-in level for your child. The straps can then be tightened and loosened depending on the size and age of your child.
Weight Requirements
The Babyzen YOYO Stroller can be used for any child from
six months old when your child will be able to hold themselves up and recline comfortably up to 40 lbs. There is no real age limit as your child will hit forty pounds at whatever age they do, and in some cases, children would rather
walk and run then be strapped into a stroller. There are other adjustments that can be sold separately for your stroller like car seat clips so you can clip your car seat into the frame of the stroller or the bassinet that can clip into the stroller for a rear facing stroller when your child is a newborn up to six months old.
The canopy of the Babyzen YOYO Stroller has been redesigned with the zipper pocket located inside of the canopy. The zip pocket is large enough to fit magazines. If magazines are not on your list of things to carry, the pocket is large enough to store just about anything. You can store small toys, keys, food, bottles, water bottles, documents for traveling, or any item you may pick up along the way while you’re pushing the stroller.
The canopy can also be extended so that you can block out additional
sun rays as well as any wind or weather that may come up suddenly. In the event of rain, the stroller also comes with a
rain cover that can be placed over the stroller to completely protect your baby, and the canopy also has a window on top so that you can look down at your child while you are pushing them in the stroller.
Underneath Storage
The underneath storage area of the Babyzen YOYO Stroller has also been redesigned from an earlier model to be about 60% larger. With that, you can now store lightweight items that will not weigh down the stroller.
Diaper bags fit well underneath the seat as do smaller toys and light jackets and sweaters. Since the basket is underneath the stroller it is not meant for heavier items. Heavy times will weigh down not only the stroller but will also cause the storage area to drag on the ground, which will damage underneath the stroller. Heavier items may also throw off the weight of the stroller and cause the stroller to not be able to be steered correctly or not absorb the shock of rough pavement correctly, which will render some of the more useful aspects of the stroller useless.
Folding the Stroller
The Babyzen YOYO Stroller is most popular because of the way you can fold and unfold the stroller with one hand with ease. To fold up the stroller there is a silver metal bar underneath the stroller that the stroller will fold around. Even if you are holding your baby in your arms, you can bend down and reach underneath the stroller and pull on the bar, and the entire stroller will fold up seamlessly. All you have to do is fold down the handlebar of the stroller (the part that you use to push the stroller) with the canopy and once you do that, pull on the metal bar and the stroller will fold up completely. The stroller comes with a bag that you can then use to put the stroller in and store it. Sold separately is a
travel bag that is more durable that will allow you to bag up the stroller and then check the stroller as luggage in the event that you cannot bring the stroller onto an airplane with you. Remember to empty the storage areas and take your baby out of the stroller before attempting to fold up the stroller.
Unfolding the Stroller
The Babyzen YOYO Stroller unfolds as easy as it folds. When you place the folded stroller on the ground, all you have to do is pull on that same
handlebar that you folded down with canopy and the entire stroller unfolds back to its normal position where you can then place your baby back in the stroller and refill the storage areas and canopy zip pocket with any essentials you may need while you are using the stroller. The unfolding can be done with one hand while you are holding your child.
Shock Absorbing Wheels
The wheels of the Babyzen YOYO Stroller are designed to absorb shock so that your baby has a smooth ride. The wheels are able to remain sturdy and straight as you steer the stroller. Because the wheels don’t move or wiggle during pushing, your baby will not feel the bumps of rough pavement. The wheels will also stay sturdy enough so that they won’t go off course while you are pushing the stroller with one hand.
It should be noted that if the pavement is uneven or there are rocks and other debris in the path that you are pushing the stroller, the wheels will not absorb that shock as they only work best on flat pavement even if it is rough. The wheels also work at a strolling pace, and if you decide to walk fast or
run with the Babyzen YOYO Stroller, you will find that the high velocity at which you are pushing the stroller will cause the stroller to shake and move, which will cause your baby and the stroller to inevitably shake.
Keeping the Babyzen YOYO Stroller clean is quite simple. All you need is a warm, wet paper towel or damp cloth. The materials of the stroller do not come apart or can be placed in a washing machine. Just take the damp cloth and wipe down the material gently to get up any spilled food or drink that may have occurred while your child was in the stroller. A quick
wipe and you are all set.
The Babyzen YOYO Stroller is very expensive. It is probably one of the most expensive strollers sold on the Internet or in stores. The high price is due mainly to the lightweight design of the stroller. It only weighs about thirteen pounds and it comes with several amenities including a one-handed folding function. This stroller helps parents so much with the fact that it can be placed in overhead bins on airplanes, in car trunks, behind the front seats of cars, or carried on your shoulder via the strap. The stroller is also compact enough to be bagged and
stored or checked along with luggage. There are several versatile components to the stroller that make it so expensive. Along with the extended canopy and footrest, the Babyzen YOYO Stroller is unmatched by a lot of umbrella strollers on the market. It is able to be compatible with car seats and rear-facing seats. It may be hard to fit something like this in your budget, but if you footrest, the Babyzen YOYO Stroller is worth the purchase.
The Babyzen YOYO Stroller, although expensive, gives any parent who purchases the stroller the ease of having an umbrella stroller with very little hassles. Any parent will tell you that having a seamless and easy method of transporting your children is key to the child’s comfort and the parent’s ability to move quickly. The Babyzen YOYO Stroller offers parents that peace of mind. The stroller is priced high but mainly because of the amenities that come with owning it. You can carry it on your shoulder like a bag, due to a one-handed folding and unfolding mechanism that allows you to hold your child safe while you open and fold the stroller. The stroller folds to a size that is so small that it can be stored and taken virtually anywhere. If you can fit the Babyzen YOYO Stroller into your budget, it is a buy that will not disappoint, and if you are planning on having multiple children then you will definitely get your money’s worth from this purchase.