25 Weeks Pregnant: Symptoms and What to Expect

Your Growing Fetus at 25 Weeks
An Oscar statuette is 13 ½” tall. Your baby is probably just a little taller at 13.62” but a whole lot lighter at 1 ½ lbs.
- This little fetus has learned to stick out its tongue and figure out which way is up. He or she can recognize and respond to your voice and might even recognize music.
- A word of warning though: don’t put the headphones on your belly or hold the speaker right up against it.
- That’s an echo chamber filled with fluids and living tissue so you would be messing with a lot of different physics issues if you did. Sing, stroke, and sway instead.
- Like you, the baby is putting on some weight but these little bundle is gaining fat deposits which will be useful in keeping him or her warm outside the womb.
Pregnancy Superfood for Week 25
A tasty tart vegetable, rhubarb grows like chard or lettuce but it’s the stalk you want, the leaves are poisonous. Rhubarb has vitamin C, vitamin K, B complex vitamins, calcium, potassium, manganese, and magnesium. It’s also a pretty good source of fiber!
Rhubarb “Ice Cream”:
Serves 5
- 3 c diced rhubarb
- 2 c sugar
- ½ tsp lemon juice
- 1 c heavy whipping cream
How to Prepare:
- Bake rhubarb and sugar at 375 in an ungreased baking dish, covered with foil for 30-40 min.
- Cool then puree in a blender and refrigerate until cold.
- Stir in lemon juice. In a bowl, whip cream until stiff then fold it into rhubarb puree.
- Pack and freeze overnight.
Top Tip for Week Twenty Five
Gestational Diabetes: If you have a history of gestational diabetes or someone in your family does you will probably be scheduled for a test to check for this somewhere between 24 and 28 weeks.
It’s not mandatory but it’s important because gestational diabetes is a problem for both mom and baby and this is just a preliminary screening to check for signs, pretty easy to do, nothing to stress about.
Glucose Challenge Screening: This is the first step and if there are any signs of diabetes during the screening you will be scheduled for a second procedure. If your blood work and urine tests have been showing higher than normal blood sugars your health providers check to make sure you’re not developing a more serious problem.
The Glucose Tolerance Test: This test shows how effectively your body is using the sugar, glucose. It’s also pretty tame, just inconvenient. You will probably be advised not to eat ahead of the test and then you’ll be given a glucose solution to drink (very sugary). They draw your blood and make sure you use the glucose effectively.
Even if they determine that you have gestational diabetes in pregnant women there is no need to panic there will probably be more tests. Doctors do this test so they will know about any problems as soon as possible and help you control them.
Anemia: Pregnancy can sometimes be tiring but if you have iron-deficiency anemia it’ll really knock you out. This is the most common kind of anemia and fairly easy to resolve with a supplement. Follow your doctor’s instructions for this because you want iron in balance with other minerals for a totally healthy pregnancy.
Big Efforts from your Co-Creator
This is where you can really be The Very Best Partner Ever but, if we may suggest, it might be best to do it quietly if not secretly. There’s no shame in this move but you don’t want to alarm the Pregnant Partner while you’re studying up on all the signs of preterm labor and symptoms of anything that would require immediate attention from a doctor.
You want to keep the Pregnant Lady calm and carefree so study up on your own and let her remain unstressed by potential problems. Make sure your partner talks to you about all physical symptoms but do all of this casually, let her know it’s just because you really want to share the experience with her and encourage her to describe it all.
There are things that can go wrong and the more you know about how and why the earlier you can catch and correct them with the help of medical professionals. You want to be on top of it so that Mom doesn’t have to be.
If you are aware of the preeclampsia symptoms and the little things that tell you the difference between Braxton Hicks and real labor then your partner can concentrate on buying the crib and having baby showers and all the other things.
Instead of worrying, she can allow herself to be completely involved and in tune with that baby and you will know that if the pains are 5 minutes apart and she’s been having strong, regular contractions for an hour or more that you need to get her to the hospital.
On the other hand, if it’s too early for normal labor it’s good for you to know that shifting positions usually shut down Braxton Hicks contractions. And if you know these things then you can suggest she sit up or lay down instead of holding your breath to see if the contractions are getting stronger.
If you know what it might look like if she was anemic during pregnancy and you notice the symptoms then you can suggest a test. Weakness or fatigue, cold hands, and feet are classic but there’s also dizziness, a rapid (irregular) heartbeat and pale skin or lips (press the nails and see if they “blanch”).
Other symptoms include trouble concentrating, shortness of breath and chest pain but these are never a good thing so check with a doctor immediately if you notice any of those three problems. Be a bit of an expert and you’ll have less worry.
This Art of Allowing
Since the baby is doing some moving now it’s very common to feel there’s a routine. You get used to the patterns around 25 weeks and it’s not unusual to worry if that changes. Lots of dancing on your bladder is probably not much fun but it’s a kind of communication between you and this amazing little being behind your belly button.
If you haven’t felt the usual kicking or tumbling for longer than usual you might wonder if something is wrong. You have to trust that baby rests when he or she needs to and you have to allow changes in patterns.
But… if you really need to know that the little one is alright you can usually trigger a response. Play some music and massage the spot where the kicks are usually strongest you should get a reaction. If not that’s okay, too.
Drink some ice water and you are likely to get a poke. If you don’t then your OB/GYN will likely be very happy to give a listen. You are allowed to need the reassurance, too.
Pregnancy Symptoms of Week Twenty Five
At 25 weeks you’ve probably gotten back most of your energy. In fact, you might be feeling a little extra pep in your step but you are carrying a much bigger baby now, too.
You might have some other symptoms that let you know this fetus is growing and gaining as your body continues to go through some changes. Some things seem to drive the others like needing to pee a lot keeps you from getting a full night’s sleep and constipation causes gas.
Just remember: you are not alone and this isn’t a forever thing. You’re more than halfway through this pregnancy and it’s normal to have these symptoms:
Hemorrhoids: There’s no way around it. The bigger this baby gets, the bigger this problem will be because of the pressure the bundle puts on your digestive system.
What’s really happening is that the pressure on the anal veins is causing swelling there and the swelling forces the veins to stretch too far.
It’s a lot like the varicose veins you might be seeing in your legs it’s just in an even less comfortable spot. Got constipation? Yeah, that’s part of the problem.
Gas and bloating: When you have constipation you have gas and bloating. The pregnancy hormones are to blame. They slow down digestion and everything sits around in your intestine decaying and creating gas. Too much gas and you begin to bloat. It’s a pain but it’s normal.
Constipation: Well, of course you’re constipated! Slowed down digestion isn’t going to help move the bowels so we need a little more exercise to push things along. Waking can really help and it doesn’t have to be a long one but if you walk regularly you might get some regularity in pooping!
Other things that might help are fiber (tasty soluble fiber does a lot of great pushing for you and cuts down on the straining that causes the hemorrhoids. Drink lots of water, eating fiber and walking to prevent straining when you go to the bathroom.
Braxton Hicks contractions: It’s still a little early for Braxton Hicks but some moms feel them earlier. You might be just a little more tuned in than other pregnant ladies or your “practice contractions” could be stronger than theirs.
Describe the sensation to your doctor to determine that they are just Braxton Hicks then you’ll know what they are and how to handle them throughout your pregnancy. It might feel like a tightening rather than a pain.
They probably won’t happen on a regular basis and they go away if you change positions so you can tell they’re not the real thing. If they seem to be happening regularly or if there’s a strong pain associated with the contractions if they get closer together or you have other symptoms like shortness of breath or dizziness then you need to call the doctor immediately.
At 25 weeks that could be preterm labor and it can safely be stopped if you act right away.
Sleeplessness: Pregnancy can be uncomfortable. It’s hard to find a position that allows the baby belly to lean gently while everything else settles into comfy relaxation and, just when you think you’re ready to snooze you need to get up and pee.
You can try drinking most of your water a little earlier and slow it down toward bedtime. It won’t stop the need completely but you might get to make fewer trips per night. Sometimes it’s not the physical but the mental and emotional things that keep you up.
This may be due, in part, to the pregnancy hormones and you might find that just knowing that will help you ignore them and sleep anyway. If you’re worried about getting things done or about forgetting something then start making lists and ticking things off.
Preparing for a new roommate requires organization to treat the process like you would any other project. If you’re worried about pregnancy-related issues or delivery or what to do afterward then talk about it with your partner and other moms who have recently been right where you are.
Talking and information gathering can be very helpful in easing stress. Lose the stress and get some sleep.
Frequent urination: Got a baby bouncing on your bladder? It’s not at all unusual to experience more frequent urination when that baby starts kicking the bladder around. Worse still, as this baby takes up more room your bladder has less so it just can’t hold as much as you’re used to.
You’re also (we hope) drinking more water to stay hydrated and help with that constipation problem so… you will continue to have to pee. So much more often than you’d like.
Heartburn: The same pressure that causes constipation can push stomach acid up into your esophagus. Most people experience this as a burning pain called heartburn. Watch what you eat before bedtime and try to avoid spicy or greasy foods if they seem associated with this problem.
Antacids are very helpful and most of them (please read the labels) also contain a lot of calcium. That’s great. You can ease the heartburn and get some bone-building minerals in the bargain but let your doctor know you’re having this problem and which product you’re using to handle it.
Most antacids should be safe during pregnancy (but always check with your doctor!) and also contain lots of calcium as an added bonus.
Your Body will Change and It’s Necessary
- You have probably gained about 15 to 18 lbs so far and these changes in your body change your routines.
- That means your walks are maybe not as vigorous as they used to be and you have to exercise at a different time of day because you can’t take the heat.
- All of that’s okay because your body is a “smart” vessel. It lets you know what baby needs and if you’re not giving it what it needs to do the job it will slow you right down and set you on the right path.
- Does it seem to “power off” now and then? It’s probably trying to bring some new blood vessels online so it can bring more oxygen-rich blood to your organs.
- The human body is an amazing organic machine and all that is required is that pay attention.
- It’ll tell you what you need to know.
Our Recommended Remedy for Week 25
Lemon Balm tea, an herbal remedy from the mint family, can help with sleeplessness. It is also used for upset stomach, gas, vomiting, even anxiety, and headache.
It is considered to have no contraindications unless you have low blood pressure. Please read the labels when you buy a tea. Make sure Lemon Balm is at the top of the list of ingredients and educate yourself about anything else.
Hibiscus is a blood pressure lowering herbal remedy, too and you don’t want too much of that.
Our Best Advice to Soothe The Uncomfortable
If sleep is a huge problem try tuning into Calm.com on the web and see if there isn’t a sound that brings you peace. Lots to choose from like gentle rain or waves lapping a lake shore.
Preparation for Motherhood
- The last vacation: This is your chance for a final getaway as pre-mom. You and your partner deserve some alone time before the chaos and joy of diaper duty and late night feedings.
- Rent don’t buy: Did you know that you can rent maternity clothes? If most of your pregnancy was clad in warm sweaters and tights but that last trimester will happen in a warm spring you might want to think about renting some pretty pregnancy dresses.
- Baby showers: Are friends and family trying to organize a baby shower for you? Give them your list of things you’d like to get; where you are most comfortable these days so they can pick an appropriate location; what you like to eat. They want to do a good job for you so help them do that.
Week-by-Week Pregnancy Guides
1 Week
2 Weeks
3 Weeks
4 Weeks
5 Weeks
6 Weeks
7 Weeks
8 Weeks
9 Weeks
10 Weeks
11 Weeks
12 Weeks
13 Weeks
14 Weeks
15 Weeks
16 Weeks
17 Weeks
18 Weeks
19 Weeks
20 Weeks
21 Weeks
22 Weeks
23 Weeks
24 Weeks
26 Weeks
27 Weeks
28 Weeks
29 Weeks
30 Weeks
31 Weeks
32 Weeks
33 Weeks
34 Weeks
35 Weeks
36 Weeks
37 Weeks
38 Weeks
39 Weeks
40 Weeks