31 Weeks Pregnant: Symptoms and What to Expect

Your Growing Fetus at 31 Weeks
You’re in the home stretch. With only nine weeks left, you’re in the final countdown!
At 31 weeks your baby is 16.2 inches. That’s the size of a large tub of movie theater popcorn or a bunch of asparaguses!
Here’s what your little one has going on this week
- Your baby’s neck muscles are growing stronger and your little one is now able to move its head from side to side.
- The brain is continuing to develop the neural connections for the five senses.
- Their beginning to settle into the fetal position
Pregnancy Superfood for Week 31
Since your baby is the size of a bundle of asparagus, it’s only fitting that the superfood for this week is that same healthy vegetable. Asparagus is full of vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to you and your baby.
It has high levels of folic acid which is extremely important for the development of your fetus. The calcium in the asparagus will help strengthen and develop your baby’s bones.
The vitamin C serves as an antioxidant and will keep both of you healthy. The vitamin E will protect the body from toxins, while the B6 will boost your immune system.
The vitamin K found in asparagus keeps the blood vessels functioning and maintains cardiovascular health.
You can serve asparagus as a side or eat it as an entrée.
Here are a few recipes for you to try:
Asparagus Chickpea Quinoa Salad
- ¼ cup lemon juice ( for dressing), 1 tablespoon (for salad)
- ¼ cup olive oil (for dressing), 2 teaspoons (for salad)
- 2 teaspoons Dijon Mustard
- 1 clove garlic
- Salt and Pepper
- 2 cups water
- 1 cup quinoa
- ½ teaspoon salt
- 1 bunch of asparagus
- 1 can of chickpeas (14 oz can)
- 3 green onions
- ⅓ cup feta cheese, crumbled
How to Prepare:
- Let’s start with the dressing for the salad.
- Combine the lemon juice, olive oil, dijon mustard and garlic in a small bowl.
- Be sure to mince the garlic before adding it to the bowl.
- Whisk the ingredients together, add salt and pepper to taste, and then set aside until your ready to dress your salad.
- In a medium saucepan bring the water, quinoa, and salt to a boil over medium heat.
- All the mixture to boil for 5 minutes, reduce heat to low, and then simmer for 15 minutes.
- You will know it is done when the water is completely absorbed. In a large skillet heat the olive oil over medium heat and add the lemon juice with the asparagus.
- Cook the asparagus until it is tender, which will equal out to about 5 minutes. In a large bowl combine the quinoa, chickpeas, asparagus, green onion and feta cheese.
- You can mix your homemade dressing in or serve it on the side.
Asparagus Soup:
- 2 lbs asparagus
- 10 cloves of garlic
- 2 tablespoons of olive oil
- 3 cups vegetable broth
- 1 cup half and a half (can use heavy cream or 2% milk)
- Salt and Pepper
- Optional Ingredients cracked pepper, chopped parsley, shredded cheddar, and lemon juice.
How to Prepare:
- Begin by preheating the open to 450. While the oven is preheating line a baking sheet with foil.
- In a large mixing bowl, toss asparagus, garlic, and olive oil. Season with Salt and pepper.
- Once you are done tossing, arrange the asparagus on the baking sheet in one layer. Roast the asparagus for 12 minutes.
- You should stir once and the asparagus should be soft.
- Transfer the asparagus to a blender and add the broth and half and half.
- Blend until you get a smooth mixture.
- Warm the soup on the stove on medium heat. Season salt and pepper to taste.
- Garnish with cracked pepper, chopped parsley, shredded cheddar, and a squeeze of lemon juice.
Top Tip for Week Thirty-One
As you begin to pack (or think about packing) your hospital go bag, throw in some of your favorite things from home. Your slippers, comfiest PJs or softest robe will make your stay a little more homey.
Inspirational Message of the Week from Already Moms
“ The beauty of motherhood is not in the freshly pressed shirts and smiling photos we show the world. The beauty of motherhood is in the folds and creases of our lives, the grimaces, and tantrums, the moments when we have to grit our teeth to get through when we pound on windows and yell and scream and demand better of each other and ourselves.” – Robyn Passante
Big Efforts from your Co-Creator
Do. Not. Forget. The. Hospital Bag. When your partner goes into labor you have two jobs. Get her to the hospital safely, and bring the hospital bag. You can leave it near the door or post a sticky note on the door telling you to grab it. Do whatever you have to do to remember to grab the bag.
- While your lady is packing the necessities, there will be a few items you may want to pack as well.
- You may experience some downtime so bring a book, iPad, or something to keep you busy.
- Bring a pillow from home for a guaranteed good night’s sleep. Throw some snacks in that bag. Salty snacks, sweet snacks, healthy snacks, pack them all.
This Art of Allowing
Transitioning from a couple to parents can put stress and strains on your relationship. You both may be tired often, so when your partner snaps or isn’t as affectionate as normal don’t freak out just yet.
If they forget to do something that you asked them to do, talk it out before getting angry. Talk about your feelings, don’t hold them in. Remember to be appreciative of your partner and to show your appreciation.
Pregnancy Symptoms of Week Thirty-One
Nine weeks away from meeting your mini-me. Here are the symptoms you may face this week.
Hip Pain: Your pelvis is loosening to prepare for childbirth which may cause pain in your hips.
Shortness of Breath: Baby is growing and continuing to crowd your lungs. It may be hard to catch your breath so remember to take it easy.
Brittle Nails: The hormones may have caused your hair and nails to grow rapidly but they may have also caused your nails to be dry and brittle.
Itchy Baby Bump: As your belly grows, your skin stretches thinner which causes it to become more sensitive. Staying hydrated and applying lotion will help ease that itchy feeling.
Hemorrhoids: As your blood vessels begin to swell many women experience hemorrhoids on their butt. They can be uncomfortable or extremely painful. Eating a high fiber diet and staying hydrated will reduce your risk of developing hemorrhoids.
Sleepless Nights: This is probably no surprise to you at this point. The closer you get to your delivery date the harder it may be to get a good night’s rest. A body pillow and a few light exercises before bed may help you doze off easier.
Headaches: Caused by raging hormones and stress, you may be experiencing pretty intense headaches. Low blood sugar can also result in headaches. Be sure to stay hydrated and don’t skip meals.
Constipation: As if hemorrhoids weren’t enough! Staying hydrated and having plenty of fiber in your diet will prevent you from being constipated.
Your Body will Change and It’s Necessary
Your uterus is now 4.5 inches above your belly button. Your areolas may have grown darker. As your milk glands produce colostrum you may notice bumps or lumps on your breast. All of these changes are normal as your breasts are getting ready for the arrival of your little one.
Our Recommended Remedy for Week Thirty-One
This week we’re giving you the task to pack your hospital bag, and we gave your partner the task to remember to grab it. If you’ve been stressing about what to pack, stress no more. Here are some pointers on what to include in your go bag.
This is probably a no-brainer. Many moms recommend packing face wipes just in case you aren’t up to showering right away. Throw in a hairbrush, toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, hair ties, and shampoo.
Your Birth Plan
Go ahead and pack several copies. You can have one taped to the wall in your room, and give a copy to your nurses.
Comfy Clothes
You just gave birth, you’ll need comfy loose fitting clothes. Pj pants, joggers, or postpartum leggings are all great ideas to include in your go bag. Your feet might be swollen so pack slip-on shoes like slippers or flip-flops.
Nipple Cream
Hopefully, you received this in your shower. If you didn’t, buy some because you will need it.
The towels at the hospital aren’t very soft. Bring an extra soft towel from home to use for your first shower after giving birth
Adult Diapers/ New Mama Bottom Spray
Your body is going to be a little sore and you may experience some bleeding after your delivery. The hospital will give you pads and mesh underwear but many women prefer diapers because they are more comfortable. The bottom spray will ease the pain you are feeling on your butt.
You will also need to bring some things for your newborn. Do not forget the car seat. The hospital will not let you take your baby home if you do not have a car seat already installed in your car. Bring a going home outfit for your baby.
Depending on the weather they may need a hat and socks. Just to be on the safe side, we recommend packing two outfits, one sized newborn and the other sized for 0-3 months just in case one doesn’t fit.
You won’t need diapers or wipes because you will get these from the hospital. Have your pediatrician’s information handy. Most of the time your doctor will ask and need this information.
Our Best Advice to Soothe The Uncomfortable
During pregnancy, your levels of estrogen and progesterone increase and can cause your nipples to be extra sensitive. You may also experience sore nipples after delivery when you breastfeed.
Cotton bras will be more comfortable than bras made of synthetic material. Hot showers can be soothing for sore nipples.
Applying a hot towel or a hot water bottle can have the same effect. Invest in nipple creams. Choose a cream that has cocoa butter, olive oil, and shea butter in the ingredients as they offer moisturizing properties.
Preparation for Motherhood
- Pack your hospital bag
- Meal Prep. Cook extra meals and store them in the freezer for after the baby is born.
- They will come in handy when you and your partner are too tired to cook.
- Babyproof the nursery
Week-by-Week Pregnancy Guides
1 Week
2 Weeks
3 Weeks
4 Weeks
5 Weeks
6 Weeks
7 Weeks
8 Weeks
9 Weeks
10 Weeks
11 Weeks
12 Weeks
13 Weeks
14 Weeks
15 Weeks
16 Weeks
17 Weeks
18 Weeks
19 Weeks
20 Weeks
21 Weeks
22 Weeks
23 Weeks
24 Weeks
25 Weeks
26 Weeks
27 Weeks
28 Weeks
29 Weeks
30 Weeks
32 Weeks
33 Weeks
34 Weeks
35 Weeks
36 Weeks
37 Weeks
38 Weeks
39 Weeks
40 Weeks