29 Weeks Pregnant: Symptoms and What to Expect

Your Growing Fetus at 29 Weeks
At 29 weeks your baby is 15.2 inches, that’s the size of a Care Bear!
- Here’s what your Care Bear is up to this week.
- More hair is growing on top of their head. Eyelashes are growing too
- Their bones and muscles are growing stronger
- Your little one is practicing reflexes to prepare for the real world.
Pregnancy Superfood for Week 29
This week’s superfood is Cauliflower! One cup of cauliflower will give you 80-85 milligrams of vitamin C, which is recommended for your pregnancy. It is also rich in folate and calcium.
It is rich in fiber which will help with constipation and those annoying hemorrhoids. Cauliflower is full of antioxidants which will help your body fight against diseases and germs.
It is loaded with minerals that will aid in your baby’s development and keep them healthy while in the womb. There are a variety of ways to eat Cauliflower. Steam it, fry it, cook it, or eat it as a salad! Give one of these delicious recipes a try.
Roasted Cauliflower Salad
- 1 head of Cauliflower
- 1 tablespoon maple syrup
- 1.5 tablespoons date vinegar
- ¼ teaspoon ground allspice
- ¼ teaspoon ground cinnamon
- ⅓ cup dried cranberries
- ⅓ cup fresh parsley
- ¼ cup raw almonds
- 2 celery stalks
- 5 tablespoons camelina oil
- Sea Salt
- Pepper
How to Prepare:
- Begin by preheating the oven to 350F.
- While the oven is preheating cut the cauliflower into bite-size pieces and chop the parsley.
- Mix the cauliflower bites with oil, pepper, and salt.
- The measurements of the salt and pepper are based on your taste preferences.
- Line a baking sheet with the cauliflower and bake for thirty minutes.
- They should be tender or golden brown when done.
- Set aside to cool, and lower the temperature of the oven to 325.
- Line another baking sheet with parchment paper and spread the almonds out on top.
- Roast the almonds for 15 minutes.
- When done, add the almonds, cauliflower, and the rest of the ingredients into a large mixing bowl.
- Stir everything together and enjoy.
Curry Cauliflower Quinoa Stew:
The cauliflower, quinoa, and chickpeas make this recipe super healthy and beneficial to you and your baby.
- 2 tablespoons coconut oil
- 1 large onion
- 2-3 tablespoons curry powder
- 4 cups cauliflower
- 1 can (796 ml) whole or diced tomatoes
- 2 cups water
- ½ cup parsley, chopped
- 1 can (400 ML) coconut milk
- 1-2 small tomatoes
- 1 can (400 ml) chickpeas
- ¾ cups quinoa.
How to Prepare:
- Chop the onion, small tomatoes, and cauliflower.
- In a large soup pot, melt the coconut oil on the stove over medium heat.
- Add the onions and curry powder and saute for two minutes.
- Add the cauliflower, canned tomatoes (undrained), water, and quinoa.
- Bring the mixture to a boil and then simmer for 15 minutes.
- The cauliflower should become tender.
- Salt and pepper to taste.
- Add the chickpeas and remove the pan from heat.
- Allow it to slightly cool and then add the coconut milk.
- Finally, add the chopped small tomatoes and parsley. Serve and enjoy!
Top Tip for Week Twenty-Nine
If you start feeling contractions and are unsure if you are going into labor early call your nurse. You can even head straight to the hospital. If you get sent home, no biggie call it a practice run.
Inspirational Message of the Week from Already Moms
“Giving birth is heroic. Having life pass through you is heroic. Becoming a mother is heroic.” – Kathy McCrath
Big Efforts from your Co-Creator
That due date may be all that’s on your mind at the moment. In fact, it is probably written in red sharpie on the calendar hanging on your fridge, just staring at you in the face every morning when you grab the OJ.
We know you may have your worries but try to table them this week. Your lady may be having some worries of her own and we need you to help get her through them. In eleven weeks, she will physically birth a baby, so let’s calm those worries. Try calming her anxiety by talking about all the fun activities you’re looking forward to doing with your baby.
Practice breathing techniques or give her a massage to help her relax. Tackle nursery projects together. Build the crib, pick out adorable baby necessities. We guarantee she will be worry free when picking out outfits for her mini-me.
This Art of Allowing
As your due date nears, it is totally natural to be feeling anxious. We gave your partner some tips on how to calm your worries. When they try, allow it to happen. Be sure to show your appreciation.
We understand that you’re the one actually carrying the baby and experiencing those annoying symptoms but your partner has been by your side on this journey as well. Be sure to thank them for everything they have helped with.
Pregnancy Symptoms of Week Twenty-Nine
Eleven weeks away from meeting your mini-me. Here are the symptoms you may face this week.
Itchy Baby Bump: As your belly grows, your skin stretches thinner which causes it to become more sensitive. Staying hydrated and applying lotion will help ease that itchy feeling.
Hemorrhoids: As your blood vessels begin to swell many women experience hemorrhoids on their butt. They can be uncomfortable or extremely painful. Eating a high fiber diet and staying hydrated will reduce your risk of developing hemorrhoids.
Sleepless Nights: This is probably no surprise to you at this point. The closer you get to your delivery date the harder it may be to get a good night’s rest. A body pillow and a few light exercises before bed may help you doze off easier.
Headaches: Caused by raging hormones and stress, you may be experiencing pretty intense headaches. Low blood sugar can also result in headaches. Be sure to stay hydrated and don’t skip meals.
Constipation: As if hemorrhoids weren’t enough! Staying hydrated and having plenty of fiber in your diet will prevent you from being constipated.
Your Body will Change and It’s Necessary
Your uterus is now about 3.5 to 4 inches above your belly button. WOW! You probably have gained around an extra 19-25 pounds. As your baby grows, they will begin to get pretty active. Your little one is feeling a bit crowded and may begin to kick quite often. Count their kicks to make sure their activity levels are consistent.
The general rule is that baby should move 10 times in two hours or less. Don’t freak out just yet if you haven’t felt the baby move in a while. You can try playing music, drinking ice water, or receiving a massage from your partner to try to wake the baby up. If you are worried, call your doctor.
Our Recommended Remedy for Week Twenty Nine
It’s no surprise that labor is going to hurt. In fact, this may be one of the things you are most worried about. With all that worrying you probably haven’t even thought about the pain your lady parts will feel afterward. You can experience pain for weeks after you deliver. This week start preparing remedies for post-delivery care. Give these a try
Squirt bottle
This little guy is going to be your new best friend. Buy one now! Toilet paper, along with a stinging feeling you may have, is going to make peeing a horrible experience. Fill the squirt bottle with lukewarm water and spritz yourself while peeing. The spritz will soothe you while also diluting the stinging sensation.
Ice Packs
We’re not talking about Ziploc bags full of ice. We’re talking about these genius ice packs that are in the shape of a maxi pad and fit in your underwear. Many hospitals give them to you after delivery. Make a note of this on your birthing plan that you want a little extra. They will come in handy, trust us!
Enjoy a Bath
Fill the tub with water and just relax for about 20 minutes. You can repeat this three times a day. The bath will clean the area, decrease the swelling, and will soothe discomfort.
Our Best Advice to Soothe The Uncomfortable
One of the best ways to calm the anxiety is through preparation. Let’s talk about the labor process for a minute. Every woman’s pregnancy is different and the labor process is no different. The labor process is actually made up of several different stages. Here is a little information on each stage to help transform that anxiety into excitement.
Early labor
At this stage, you will dilate to 3 centimeters. It is the longest stage but the mildest.
Active Labor
From three centimeters you will dilate to seven. Your contractions will become more intense and frequent.
You are now dilated to 10 centimeters. You will experience the most pain at this stage, but it is also the shortest stage. Hallelujah!
As soon as the transition phase ends, your cervix will be fully dilated. Time to start pushing and deliver that baby. Your medical team may coach you or you may feel an intense urge. Either way, your baby will be born at the end of this stage! YAY!
Delivering the Placenta
Your baby is out, but you’re not quite finished. Labor will continue until you deliver the placenta.
Preparation for Motherhood
- Make a Labor Playlist
- Select a nanny or daycare if you will need one after your baby is born.
- If you’re feeling anxious, look into a meditation routine. There are tons created just for mom to be’s. Feeling anxious is natural!
Week-by-Week Pregnancy Guides
1 Week
2 Weeks
3 Weeks
4 Weeks
5 Weeks
6 Weeks
7 Weeks
8 Weeks
9 Weeks
10 Weeks
11 Weeks
12 Weeks
13 Weeks
14 Weeks
15 Weeks
16 Weeks
17 Weeks
18 Weeks
19 Weeks
20 Weeks
21 Weeks
22 Weeks
23 Weeks
24 Weeks
25 Weeks
26 Weeks
27 Weeks
28 Weeks
30 Weeks
31 Weeks
32 Weeks
33 Weeks
34 Weeks
35 Weeks
36 Weeks
37 Weeks
38 Weeks
39 Weeks
40 Weeks