34 Weeks Pregnant: Symptoms and What to Expect

Your Growing Fetus at 34 Weeks
You’re almost there! At week 34 your baby is 17.7 inches, which equals the size of a basketball hoop. For all my nonathletic mama’s out there, that’s also the size of butternut squash.
Here’s what your baby is up to this week
- Your baby’s central nervous system has reached full development.
- They are practicing breathing, which is aiding in the process of their lungs developing too.
- Remember that white cheesy substance coating your baby’s skin, the vernix caseosa. It is growing thicker and will continue to protect your baby’s skin.
Pregnancy Superfood for Week 34
We think you will be “berry” pleased with this week’s superfood. Strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, Oh My! Berries are great for your pregnancy diet due to being full of vitamin C, folic acid, potassium, and antioxidants.
All of these berries will aid in keeping your baby’s skin healthy and will boost their immune system. Since all of these berries are beneficial, you can continuously have variety in your diet. Throw them in yogurt, eat them raw, or try one of these delicious recipes.
FroYo Bites:
Super easy to make and super easy to take on the go. It’s a win-win!
- ¾ cup yogurt
- ½ cup granola
- ½ cup of your favorite berries. You can even add more than one kind
How to Prepare it:
Grab a muffin pan and fill each section (just over half of each) with granola. Throw your favorite berries on top of the granola and add a tablespoon of yogurt to each cup. Sprinkle any remaining granola on top of the yogurt. Cover and freeze for a minimum of three hours. When you are ready to serve, simply use a plastic knife to pop the bites out. Enjoy!
Smoothie Bowl:
With protein, fiber, veggies, and fruits it doesn’t get much more healthy than this.
½ cup almond milk, unsweetened
-1 -1 ½ cups of spinach
-1 ½ cup of frozen berries, your choice
-One banana
-One scoop of protein powder, we like vanilla
-Toppings of Choice (Fruit, berries, chia seeds, granola)
How to Prepare:
Add all of the ingredients into a blender and blend until you reach the desired consistency. Pour the mixture into a bowl, add your toppings and enjoy this delicious and healthy treat.
Berry Grilled Cheese:
- 1 cup mozzarella cheese, shredded
- Four slices of bread (makes two grilled cheese sandwiches)
- 1 cup of blueberries
- 2 cups of spinach
- One cup strawberries
- One teaspoon butter
- 1 tablespoon balsamic vinaigrette
- 1 ½ tablespoons coconut sugar
- Salt and Pepper to taste
How to Prepare
- On medium heat, in a saucepan mix the strawberries, blueberries, balsamic vinaigrette, and coconut sugar.
- Gently smash the berries while you stir and bring to a boil.
- Place berries over a strainer.
- Pro Tip, we like using the leftover juice as a salad dressing.
- Grab a slice of bread and spread 1 teaspoon of butter on the side that will be face down in the pan.
- Place the shredded mozzarella, berry mixture, spinach, and salt/ pepper on the inside of the bread.
- Grill both sides until you reach a nice golden texture. Enjoy!
Top Tip for Week Thirty-Four
Have you been stressing about how to deal with the pain of labor? Penny Simkin created an excellent tool for mom’s to be. Check out the Pain Medications Preference Scale she created and it will allow you to weigh your options more clearly.
Inspirational Message of the Week from Already Moms
“Just as a woman’s heart knows how and when to pump, her lungs to inhale, and her hand to pull back from fire, so she knows when and how to give birth.”
Virginia Di Orio
Big Efforts from your Co-Creator
A few weeks ago, you and your partner sat down and created a birth plan. We would love nothing more than for everything to go according to plan. However things can and do happen, so it is better to prepare now.
An early delivery is a possibility, so make sure to always have plenty of gas in the car and that you know the easiest way to the hospital. Keep a blanket, towels, and a gallon of bottled water in the backseat just in case you experience a roadside delivery.
This Art of Allowing
We know you’re looking forward to being a super mom, but understand that receiving help won’t make you less of a mom.
- Organize a meal train between friends and family for the weeks after you deliver.
- It is extremely likely that you and your partner will be way too tired to cook.
- Instead of constantly ordering in, allow your loved ones to bring you home cooked meals.
- Be sure to let them know of dietary restrictions.
- You can also make it clear that they are just bringing food over and not staying.
Pregnancy Symptoms of Week Thirty-Four
Here’s what you might experience this week as you knock another week off of your pregnancy calendar.
Sensitive Gums: If your gums are tender and are redder in color this is due to the hormonal changes in your body. They may also feel more sensitive. Continue to brush twice a day and floss daily.
Fatigue: Developing a human inside of your stomach is hard work, it’s no surprise you’re tired. Hang in there, you’re almost done. Rest up and stay hydrated.
Shortness of Breath: Your adorable little bean continues to crowd your lungs. Don’t push yourself.
Dry/Itchy Skin: Your belly is expanding which may cause your skin to feel dry and itchy. Hot Showers and baths will make it worse. Moisturize, Moisturize, and Moisturize!
Blurred Vision: The excess fluid may affect your cornea. Don’t worry it typically goes away after you deliver but you can talk to your doctor if you are worried.
Lactation: You’re nearing the end of your pregnancy and your milk ducts are completely developed by then. You may be experiencing some leaky breasts as your body is getting ready for your baby’s arrival.
Your Body will Change and It’s Necessary
For the rest of your delivery, the amniotic fluid levels peak.
- You will stop growing, but your baby won’t.
- Your belly is measuring 32 to 36 inches from the top of the uterus to your pubic bone.
- Many women find themselves struggling emotionally, mentally, and physically at this point and opt for an induction.
- Remember that these changes in your body are necessary and that an induction will give your body a longer recovery time.
- We need you in tip-top shape after delivery. You’re almost done, hang in there.
Our Recommended Remedy for Week 34
Ladies, we know you’re dreading the tearing that comes with bringing your mini-me into the world. While it is inevitable, a perineal massage may reduce the extent of the tearing. The massage stretches the opening of the vagina gently. It makes your lady parts more elastic and easier to stretch around your baby’s head.
The best part is, you can perform this massage all by yourself. Wash your hands and lube up your fingers. Sit on your bed with your knees bent and your legs spread slightly. Place your thumbs three to four centimeters inside of you, and stretch your opening downward and to the sides.
When you feel a slight sting hold it for a few seconds. Massage the bottom of your vagina. Repeat this massage twice a day.
Our Best Advice to Soothe The Uncomfortable
As your uterus expands it will push against your stomach and other organs. Hello, Heartburn and Indigestion. If your cravings have you begging for buffalo wings or anything spicy try resist.
Spicy foods will cause bring on the heartburn. If you’re up for the challenge, set a goal to stay away from anything spicy until after you give birth. Eating small meals throughout the day will also help.
As your little one begins to move down to the lower part of your uterus, pressure against your stomach will be released. While it may reduce your heartburn, it may cause you to have to urinate more often as it applies more pressure on your bladder.
Preparation for Motherhood
- Take a nap…..or several
- Enjoy a nice dinner out with your partner
- Make sure everything is good to go with your maternity leave
Week-by-Week Pregnancy Guides
1 Week
2 Weeks
3 Weeks
4 Weeks
5 Weeks
6 Weeks
7 Weeks
8 Weeks
9 Weeks
10 Weeks
11 Weeks
12 Weeks
13 Weeks
14 Weeks
15 Weeks
16 Weeks
17 Weeks
18 Weeks
19 Weeks
20 Weeks
21 Weeks
22 Weeks
23 Weeks
24 Weeks
25 Weeks
26 Weeks
27 Weeks
28 Weeks
29 Weeks
30 Weeks
31 Weeks
32 Weeks
33 Weeks
35 Weeks
36 Weeks
37 Weeks
38 Weeks
39 Weeks
40 Weeks